Product - PS - Depositswap

Mandiri Deposit Swap

Bank Mandiri

Mandiri Deposit Swap

Mandiri Deposit Swap is a protected investment product in non-Rupiah currencies. This product is a combination of funds products (savings, current accounts or deposits) and FX Swap transactions so that it can provide the potential for higher returns compared to conventional foreign exchange fund products in general. Mandiri Deposit Swap provides the fixed-returns and the guaranteed principal in the short and medium term.
    Invested fund is securely protected, co there is no potential decrease nor lost losses.
    Potential yields are higher than conventional foreign exchange savings products. Yields obtained depend on the number of days within the cap and bottom as determined by the reference exchange rate chosen by the customer.
    Tenors are 1,3,6 and 12 months, 24 months or according to the deposit period. May not be redeemed before due.
  • Currency Choice
    Investment funds is in Non-IDR currencies such as USD, SGD.
    • Duty stamp charfe for Bills and Agreements
    • Tax will be calculated based on the difference between the final investment yield (in Initial Currency) and the initial placement amount (in Initial Currency)
Private/Priority customer desiring to enter into Mandiri Deposit Swap transactions can contact Bank Mandiri Prioritas Outlet or nearest branch. Customer must complete and sign:
  • Mandiri Deposit Swap Agreement (term is effective for 2 years).
  • Structured Product Customer Questionnaire Form (valid for 2 years).
  • Product Highlight (each transaction), contains the detailed information concerning product features.
  • Term Sheet (each transaction), contains the detailed information on customer's MDS transaction.
Initial investment funds USD 1,000,000
Savings product Deposit
Deposit palcement currency EUR
Initial Conversion exchange rate 1.0440000
Final Conversion exchage rate 1.0448910
Deposit Tenor 1 (one) Month
Transaction Date 17 Oktober 2022
Maturity Date 17 November 2022
Total Days 31 hari
EUR Deposit Interest rate 0% p.a. before tax
Total Returns Gained 1% p.a. before tax