006 - OBU

e-money  /  Service Information e-Tollpass On Board Unit (OBU)

e-Tollpass On Board Unit (OBU) Service

Service Information
e-Tollpass On Board Unit (OBU)

The sale of OBU as an option to support mandiri e-money transactions on toll roads as of 31 August 2022 is discontinued in all branches and official sales partners of Bank Mandiri. For this reason, we submit the following information:

As of 31 August 2022 subject to applicable regulations

For active OBU users can still make toll payments

  • If there is a problem with the battery, the user can replace the battery according to the instructions in the OBU manual.
  • In the event that the OBU problem cannot be resolved by the user, then:
    • • OBU that is still within the warranty period, can contact the nearest Bank Mandiri branch by attaching the warranty card.
    • • OBU outside the warranty period cannot be repaired through Bank Mandiri
  • If the OBU unit is not functioning, mandiri e-money card users can still make payment transactions at the toll road by attaching the mandiri e-money card to the payment substation machine.

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