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Tabungan Product v4
Start saving with Mandiri to obtain the following benefits

Security and peace of mind

Flexible transacting through Mandiri Online
List Product Perseorangan Simpanan Coulumn 4
Not sure which to choose? Let us help you

Rupiah Savings Account
Enjoy ease and security
Rp 500,000
KTP dan NPWP untuk WNI, Paspor disertai KIMS/KITAS/KITAP/VISA Dinas dan Ijin Kerja Tenaga Asing terkait untuk WNA
Kartu ATM, Mandiri SMS, Mandiri Online, Mandiri Call, Auto Debit, AFT

Forex Savings
Profit from your forex savings
$ 100
KTP dan NPWP untuk WNI, Paspor disertai KIMS/KITAS/KITAP/VISA Dinas dan Ijin Kerja Tenaga Asing terkait untuk WNA
layanan e-banking, bisa ditautkan dengan kartu mandiri debit*

Regular Savings Plans
Realize all your plans
Start from Rp100.000,00
tabungan atau mandiri giro, KTP
autodebet, gratis biaya admin, bebas menentukan setoran bulanan, perlindungan asuransi

Enjoy ease and security
buku tabungan, kartu tabunganKu
List Product Perseorangan Simpanan Coulumn 2
Interested in long-term saving?
Find the time deposit that best suits your needs

Rupiah Time Deposit
Investment that provides added benefit and security
KTP/SIM/Paspor dan KIMS/KITAS (untuk warga negara asing)
Automatic roll over (ARO), mandiri online, mandiri call, mandiri kredit agunan deposito

Forex Time Deposit
Investment that provides added benefit and security
$ 1.000
KTP/SIM/Paspor dan KIMS/KITAS (untuk warga negara asing)
Ragam pilihan mata uang, automatic roll over (ARO), mandiri online, mandiri call, mandiri kredit agunan deposito