Syarat dan Ketentuan - EDC
TNC Penggunaan Merchant EDC
Bank Mandiri’s Merchant Terms and Conditions
- Bank is PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, domiciled and headquartered in Jakarta.
- Administration Fee is a fee charged per month to the Merchant for the provision and maintenance of Bank Facilities provided by the Bank.
- Chargeback is a charge of returned payments that have been made by the Bank to the Merchant.
- Credit Slip is a note for canceling sale of goods or services with the Card given to the Cardholder.
- Merchant Application Form is a form containing data provided by Merchant to Bank for the submission of requests for Bank Facilities, changes to Bank Facilities, and/or changes to Merchant data which is an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.
- Business Day is a day on which the Bank and other banks in Indonesia generally conduct operational activities and conduct clearing under the provisions of Bank Indonesia.
- Calendar Day is all days in one year without exception, including Sundays and public holidays which are at any time determined by the government as not Working Days.
- Card means Credit Card, Debit Card, and/or Prepaid Card.
- Debit Card is a card that can be used to make payments for obligations arising from an economic activity, including spending transactions, where the Cardholder's obligations are fulfilled immediately by directly reducing the Bank's Cardholder deposits.
- Credit Card is a card that can be used to make payments for obligations arising from an economic activity, including spending transactions where the Cardholder's payment obligations are fulfilled first by the Bank or Issuer, and the Cardholder is obliged to make payments at the agreed time either by lumpsum payment or by installment payments.
- Prepaid Card is chip-based Electronic Money that contains balance data and transaction mutations and can be used for transactions at Merchants.
- Cooperation is cooperation between the Bank and Merchant related to the use of Bank Facilities by Merchant as regulated in these Terms and Conditions.
- Merchant is a seller of goods and/or services who cooperates with Bank and receives payment from Transactions.
- Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) is a fee charged to Merchant for each Transaction processed by the Bank through Bank Facilities at Merchant.
- Authorization is approval from Bank given to Merchant in the form of an authorization code number to receive Transactions at the Bank Facilities.
- Cardholder is the authorized user of the Card.
- Issuer is a Bank or institution other than a Bank that has obtained permission from the competent authority to issue Cards and/or Electronic Money and/or QRIS.
- User is a party that uses Electronic Money and/or QRIS.
- Principal is a bank or institution other than a bank that is responsible for the management of the system and/or network among its members, either in the role of Issuer and/or acquirer bank, including VISA, Mastercard, JCB, UnionPay and/or other payment system service provider institutions.
- Refund is the process of refunding Cardholders and/or Users at the request of the Merchant to the acquiring bank to be forwarded to the Issuer after the Settlement process.
- Account is an account in the name of the Merchant or other party appointed by the Merchant listed on the Merchant Application Form or other documents following the applicable provisions at the Bank.
- Bank Facilities are Electronic Data Capture (EDC) terminals and equipment provided by Bank to process Transactions at the Merchant, to obtain Authorization and print Sales Draft.
- Sales Draft is written evidence of Transactions that have obtained Authorization from the Bank issued through Bank Facilities.
- Settlement is the process of sending Transaction data through Bank Facilities by the Merchant to the Bank so that the Bank can credit the funds from the Account Transaction and the Issuer can make billing to the Cardholder and/or User.
- Transaction is a legitimate purchase where payment is made using Cards, Electronic Money, QRIS, and/or other payment methods developed by the Bank from time to time through the Bank Facilities.
- Electronic Money is a payment instrument issued based on the value of money deposited in advance by the User to the Issuer and has a value of money that is stored electronically in a medium such as a server or chip and can be used as a means of payment at Merchants.
- Power Buy is a cooperation program between Bank and Merchants in the form of providing installment facilities to Cardholders who use Credit Card facilities for the purchase of goods and/or services sold by Merchants.
- Quick Response Indonesian Standard or QRIS is the QR Code Payment Standard established by Bank Indonesia to be used in facilitating payment transactions with QR Code media in Indonesia.
B.Transaction Acceptance
- Merchants are entitled to receive education regarding the procedures and mechanisms of Transactions from the Bank and/or parties appointed by the Bank in the implementation of this Cooperation.
- Merchants are obliged to accept Transactions made by Cardholders and/or Users without minimum payment limits and provide the best possible service to Cardholders and/or Users.
- In accepting Transactions using Card, Merchants are obliged to ensure that the Transaction is carried out by the Cardholder, with the following conditions:
- Ensure the validity period and authenticity of the Card following the procedures and instructions provided by Bank.
- Ensure that the Card number stated on the Bank Facilities and/or Sales Draft is the Card number stated on the physical Card.
- Using Bank Facilities and obtaining Authorization from the Bank.
- Printing the Sales Draft through the Bank Facilities.
- If doubts arise over the acceptance of the Card as in point B.3, Merchant must contact the Bank's Authorization section during Card Transaction acceptance process or at Merchant's discretion may reject the Card.
C. Authorization
- Merchant must obtain Authorization and Authorization code numbers from Bank through Bank Facilities.
- The Authorization code number recognized by Bank is the one issued by Bank Facilities.
- Merchant must cancel and/or reject Transactions at the request from Bank if the Card, Electronic Money, and/or QRIS is suspected to be counterfeit or problematic.
D. Settlement
- Merchant must conduct Settlement/Transaction settlement every day as determined by Bank unless on that day there are no Transactions.
- If the Settlement in point D.1 cannot be carried out due to machine damage and/or other disruptions, Merchant must contact the Bank no later than 3 (three) Calendar Days from the date of the Transaction.
- All losses incurred due to the Merchant's negligence/incompetence in accordance with points D.1 and D.2 are Merchant’s sole responsibility.
- Bank has the right to delay payment to Merchant for Transactions that are still in the process of confirmation to the Issuer.
- Bank executes the Settlement payment, and the Settlement proceeds will be effective on the next Calendar Day since the Settlement is made. Merchant is responsible for any claims or demands from Cardholders and/or Users and/or other third parties if:
- There is a failure of the Settlement process caused by Merchant conducting Settlement more than the time determined by the Bank;
- Merchant does not conduct Settlement in accordance with the provisions in point D.1.
E. Bill Payment
- Bank will execute bill payments that have been made by Settlement as stipulated in point D of these Terms and Conditions to Merchant in accordance with the payment day determined by the Bank.
- The bill payment amount as stipulated in point E.1 will be made after deducting the Merchant Discount Rate as stipulated in point F which has been approved by Bank to the Account.
- If there is a difference in the nominal amount of bills contained in the Merchant's records with Bank, Bank will executes payments by the nominal bills recorded in the Bank's system, unless otherwise proven by the Merchant and agreed by the Bank.
F. Costs
- Upon receipt of the Transaction, the Merchant agrees to be charged a certain Merchant Discount Rate as a percentage of the total value of the Transaction to the Bank as stated in the Merchant Application Form.
- For the use of Bank Facilities provided by Bank to receive and process Transactions, Merchant agrees to pay the Administration Fee as determined by Bank.
- Merchant is obliged to replace damage to the Bank's Facilities caused by Merchant's negligence/intentionality, as for the cost of replacing the damage in accordance with what is determined by Bank.
- Other fees including but not limited to Administration Fee that may arise and/or change will be notified by Bank in writing to Merchant through a separate document which becomes an integral and inseparable part of these Terms and Conditions.
- All types of taxes, fees, or other levies, whether existing or existing in the future, which must be paid to the government relating to Transactions under these Terms and Conditions, must be borne by the Bank or Merchant in accordance with applicable laws and regulations unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions.
- If necessary, Bank and Merchant agree to provide each other with documents relating to tax payments in connection with this Cooperation.
- Merchant hereby authorizes Bank to debit or block the Account and/or other accounts belonging to Merchant at Bank and deduct the proceeds of the Transaction as referred to in point E and use the proceeds of the account debit/cutting of the proceeds of the Transaction for the fulfillment of the Merchant's obligations to Bank and/or other costs in connection with this Cooperation.
- The power of attorney granted by the Merchant as referred to above will not expire for any reason, including those referred to in Articles 1813, 1814, and 1816 of the Civil Code as long as Merchant still has obligations to Bank.
G. Prohibited activities
- In terms of Transaction acceptance, Merchant is not allowed to:
- Accept Transactions that are not in accordance with the procedures set out in these Terms and Conditions.
- Performing split Transaction value to avoid violation of Bank's provisions.
- Accepting Cards from Cardholders that are used to refinance existing debts or to replace a bounced check, unless otherwise regulated under applicable laws.
- Serving cash withdrawal Transactions with Credit Cards.
- Charging additional fees in any form to Cardholders and/or Users.
- Returning cash to Cardholders and/or Users if the Transaction does not occur/cancels/multiple Transactions or there is an excess input of the Transaction nominal at the Bank Facilities.
- Receive Transaction deposits from third parties or other Merchant branches/outlets.
- Placing and/or moving Bank Facilities to a location that is not in accordance with the business location agreed upon by Bank and Merchant.
- Lending Bank Facilities to third parties or other Merchant branches.
- Conducting Transactions using Cards, Electronic Money, QRIS and/or other payment methods developed by Bank from time to time on behalf of the Merchant’s owner/family, if the Transaction is carried out within the program period. To mitigate any misuse of the program implementation which is regulated in a separate document that becomes an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.
- Accepting payments by Card, Electronic Money, QRIS and/or other payment methods developed by Bank in the future for merchandise or services that are different from the Merchant's type of business.
- Merchant runs a business that is not in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
- Documenting and/or storing Transaction data with tools other than Bank Facilities with due observance of these Terms and Conditions.
- Transferring this Cooperation to any party without prior approval from Bank.
- Conducting business that is contrary to the prevailing laws and regulations
- Bank and/or other parties appointed by Bank have the right to investigate Merchant if there are indications of a violation of the provisions in point G.1 of these Terms and Conditions.
- If Merchant is strongly suspected by the Bank and/or proven to have violated the provisions in point G.1, then:
- All Transactions that are not valid or that are not recognized by Cardholders and/or Users and/or Issuers will be the burden and responsibility of Merchant.
- Bank has the right to suspend the payment of bills amounting to the nominal amount of the Transaction.
- Bank has the right to terminate these Terms and Conditions with prior notice through the means or media determined by Bank.
H. Refund and Chargeback
- In the event of a Card Transaction cancellation, either at the request of Bank and/or Cardholder and/or User and/or Merchant, Merchant is obliged to:
- Void process at Bank Facilities, if the cancellation is done before the Settlement process.
- Refund the process by making a Credit Slip provided by Bank, if the Settlement process has been carried out and submitting it to the Bank no later than 5 (five) Calendar Days from the date of the Transaction.
- Chargebacks caused by:
- The Goods are returned and/or the Transaction has been canceled by the Cardholder and/or User with the approval of Bank.
- The Cardholder and/or User denies the existence of a transaction and disputes the quality, delivery, and/or shipment of goods accompanied by valid evidence.
- The sale of goods/services provided or the use of the Card and/or Electronic Money and/or QRIS violates the law or applicable rules and regulations.
- There is an error or mistake in payment by Bank to Merchant.
- There is a violation by Merchant of one or more provisions of the Terms and Conditions other than violations specifically regulated in point H, in connection with the Transaction or Sales Draft or other conditions that can be used as the basis for a chargeback in accordance with the Principal's provisions or other provisions applicable in the Credit Card and Debit Card industry
- Merchant hereby authorizes Bank to hold the amount of funds in the Account and/or other Merchant accounts registered with Bank for a certain period if there is an incoming chargeback and/or Merchant is indicated or proven to be fraudulent.
- In the event of a Chargeback caused by point H.2, Merchant hereby authorizes Bank to cut Merchant's existing bills at the Bank and/or cut the next bill and/or block and/or debit the Account and/or other accounts belonging to Merchant registered with Bank for the return of payment for the problematic Transaction if there are conditions:
- Sales Draft submitted to Bank is considered to have been made or changed unreasonably without approval from Bank;
- Sales Draft submitted to Bank cannot be read and/or is incomplete; and/or
- Merchant is unable to submit proof of Transaction within the time limit determined by the Bank, namely 7 (seven) Business Days or the period in accordance with the applicable provisions at Bank
- All fines imposed by the Principal on Merchant and Bank in connection with the exceeding of the chargeback tolerance limit (excessive chargeback) by Merchant and/or violation of the Principal's provisions by Merchant related to chargeback shall be borne by Merchant.
- In the event that there is a debit and/or deduction of Merchant bill as mentioned in point H.4, it will be carried out in accordance with the calculation in Bank system with prior written notification to Merchant.
- Merchant hereby authorizes Bank to deduct payment of Transaction proceeds to Merchant, block, and debit the Account and/or other accounts belonging to Merchant for payment obligations. All fines imposed by the Principal on Merchant and Bank in connection with the exceeding of the chargeback tolerance limit (excessive chargeback) by Merchant and/or violation of the Principal's provisions by Merchant related to chargeback shall be borne by Merchant.
I. Card Hold
- Merchant, at their discretion, may place a hold on the Card as stipulated in point I.2. In the event that Merchant place a hold on the Card, it must be done in accordance with the guidelines/conditions provided by Bank.
- Merchant have the right to place a hold on the Card because:
- The card data that appears on Bank's Facilities is different from the physical Card;
- The Card is carried by a non-cardholder.
- The response on the Bank Facility is "Pick Up Card".
- The Card or physical Card is suspected to be counterfeit.
- If Merchant detains the Card, Merchant is obliged to keep the detained Card properly and/or report to Bank on the Card.
- Merchant will release Bank from all responsibilities in relation to losses suffered by Cardholders and/or other third parties if the Card detention process is not carried out in accordance with the guidelines and conditions provided by Bank.
J. Confidentiality
- Cardholder and/or User data related to Transaction services as stipulated in the Terms and Conditions are confidential, and therefore can only be used in the context of implementing this Cooperation.
- Merchant are not allowed to use or provide data as referred to in point J.1 to other parties, except to Bank, parties appointed by Bank or in the context of an examination by the authorities.
- Merchant are prohibited from taking notes or recording Card data belonging to Cardholders on Merchant equipment or other equipment other than Bank Facilities, including primary account number or Card number data, by, among others, swiping the Card on a cash register or taking notes or recording Card data in any form or through any media.
- Merchant are required to keep a copy of the Sales Draft and/or Credit Slip for 18 (eighteen) months from the Transaction date and maintain its confidentiality. If the 18 (eighteen) months period has passed, the copy of the Sales Draft and/or Credit Slip must be destroyed by Merchant.
- The provisions regarding confidentiality in these Terms and Conditions must be complied with even though the Cooperation has ended.
- Losses incurred as a result of a breach of confidentiality shall be the sole responsibility of Merchant.
- Merchant hereby submits itself as an affiliated party as referred to in Law Number 7 of 1992 concerning Banking and as amended lastly by Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the development and strengthening of the Financial Sector along with its implementing regulations and all amendments. As for information concerning personal data, Merchant agree to comply with Law No. 27 of 2022 concerning the Protection of Personal Data along with its implementing regulations and all amendments and other related regulations
- Violation of confidentiality as stipulated in this point J will be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations, and the Bank has the right to terminate this Cooperation
K. Force Majeure
- What includes Force Majeure in these Terms and Conditions is an event/occurrence that is beyond the ability of the parties (Bank and/or Merchant) to overcome, including but not limited to natural disasters, general strikes, rebellions, riots, acts of terrorism, major fires, and government actions in the economic and monetary fields that significantly affect the implementation of these Terms and Conditions.
- The Party experiencing Force Majeure shall notify the other Party in writing of the Force Majeure no later than 7 (seven) Calendar Days after the occurrence of Force Majeure. Furthermore, Bank and Merchant will hold deliberations to determine the consequences of the Force Majeure and how to resolve it.
- All losses and costs suffered by one Party as a result of Force Majeure are not the responsibility of the other Party under these Terms and Conditions.
- If the Party experiencing Force Majeure fails to notify the other party within the time specified in point K.2, all losses, risks, and consequences that may arise shall be the burden and responsibility of the Party experiencing Force Majeure.
L. Termination of Cooperation
- This Cooperation may be terminated by Bank on the basis of considerations of things that can be suspected of disrupting the continuity of the Cooperation, including but not limited to:
- Merchant violates the provisions as stated in point G of these Terms and Conditions;
- Non-Performing Merchant (NPM);
- Merchant bankrupt/bankruptcy;
- Merchant permanent closure;
- The EDC machine is not in the location agreed upon by Bank and Merchant;
- Merchant is not found;
- Request or decision of the authorized official/authority;
- Indications of fraud involving Merchant, as follows:
1) Merchant as a place of data theft or common purchase point (CPP);
2) Merchant is indicated to be collusive;
3) Merchant is included in the Indonesian Credit Card Association's Indonesian Merchant Alert List (DAMI AKKI) and/or
4) Related to Cash Swipe (Gestun) activities.
- Termination of this Cooperation may be proposed by Merchant by giving written notice to the Bank within 30 (thirty) Business Days prior to the effective date of the desired termination. Furthermore, the Bank will follow up on Merchant termination request.
- At the termination of the Cooperation, Merchant shall return to Bank all items and/or equipment belonging to Bank provided to Merchant in connection with the Cooperation, namely Sales Draft, Credit Slip, Bank Facilities and/or Authorization terminal in good and complete condition no later than 1 (one) Business Day after receipt of written notice from Bank through any means.
- If Merchant due to its negligence or willfulness, cannot fulfill or is late in returning Bank Facilities in accordance with point L.3, Merchant will be subject to a fine of Rp50,000.00 (fifty thousand rupiah) per day per EDC, with a maximum fine value of Rp5,000,000.00 (five million rupiah).
- Bank may at any time choose to terminate this Cooperation if Merchant is also a Cardholder who fails to fulfill obligations under the Terms and Conditions.
- Based on its consideration, Bank has the right to terminate this Cooperation unilaterally if within 3 (three) months the amount of deposition of funds and the volume of Merchant Transactions do not reach the minimum amount set by Bank, namely with a minimum Sales Volume of Rp15,000,000.00 (fifteen million rupiah) per month and a minimum average fund placement of Rp10,000,000.00 (ten million rupiah) for 3 (three) months since becoming a Merchant Bank in the Account.
- Bank at its sole discretion, has the right to terminate the Cooperation with Merchant with prior written notice to Merchant, but if Bank suspects Merchant for a reason that is considered to be detrimental to the Cooperation or the good name of Bank, Bank at its sole discretion has the right to terminate this Cooperation immediately without prior notice to Merchant.
- In the event of termination of the Cooperation, if there are obligations that have not been settled by Bank and/or Merchant that have arisen before or at the time the Cooperation ends, Bank and/or Merchant remain bound by the Terms and Conditions until the obligations are settled.
- In the event of termination of the Cooperation, Bank and Merchant agree to waive the applicability of Article 1266 of the Civil Code.
M. Miscellaneous
- Complaint Handling.
- Merchant may make complaints or grievances related to the implementation of this Cooperation to Bank through HiYokke at hotline 14021, authorization 1500747, Whatsapp 081-140-14021, e-mail and/or other media agreed by Bank and Merchant.
- Merchant agrees to provide valid information and/or supporting documents to follow up on the complaint.
- Changes to Terms and Conditions
- Bank has the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions which will be notified to Merchant no later than 30 (thirty) Business Days before the enactment of changes to the Terms and Conditions or in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations through the media determined by Bank.
- The time period is excluded if:
- Changes in Terms and Conditions related to matters determined by the government or authorities.
- Changes to the pricing reference that has been stipulated in the Terms and Conditions and the reference has been determined by the authority; or
- Changes to the Terms and Conditions have been agreed upon through a negotiation process, and the changes are set out in an addendum to the Terms and Conditions or other separate documents that become an integral part of these Terms and Conditions
- In the event that Merchant has been given time in accordance with the time period in point M.2.a but does not submit its confirmation, Bank considers Merchant to have agreed to the changes in the Terms and Conditions.
- In the event that Merchant does not agree to the changes of Terms and Conditions, Merchant has the right to terminate the Cooperation subject to the provisions of the Termination of Cooperation as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions.
- Intellectual Property Rights:
- Patents, copyrights, trade secrets, brands, services, graphics, images, logos, and all other intellectual property rights in Bank's Tools and its content, including development improvements, ideas, concepts, skills, or techniques transmitted through Bank's Tools (collectively, the "Intellectual Property") are owned by Bank, unless proven otherwise.
- No part of these Terms and Conditions may be used, downloaded, reproduced, distributed, published, modified, displayed, broadcast, hyperlinked, and/or transmitted in any way or by any means or stored in an information retrieval system without prior written permission from Bank.
- Intellectual Property owned by Bank is protected by applicable laws and regulations, and therefore any violation of Bank's intellectual property will be processed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- For matters that have not been sufficiently regulated and/or there are changes in the Terms and Conditions and additions and/or changes and/or updates, they are made in Indonesian with a translation in English. If differences in interpretation arise in the translated version, the Indonesian version of the Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
- The Terms and Conditions and any additions, amendments, and/or updates thereto, are directly binding on Merchant's outlet/chain established by Merchant after Merchant signs the Terms and Conditions, provided that:
- Merchant has the authority to bind Merchant outlet/chain to third parties based on the deed of establishment of its business entity.
- Merchant outlet/chain is established based on and/or subject to the same deed of establishment as Merchant, and/or operates under the same business/trade name as Merchant.
- By signing the Terms and Conditions, Merchant:
- Guarantees that he/she has full rights and authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, to sign the Terms and Conditions as well as additions and amendments and carry out his/her obligations, and has all permits and/or approvals required in the implementation of this Cooperation based on the Terms and Conditions and/or applicable laws and regulations.
- Will not make any Terms and Conditions and/or agreements with third parties that conflict directly or indirectly with the Terms and Conditions.
- Guarantees that it is not currently involved in a criminal case or obtaining administrative sanctions from the government, either directly or indirectly, which may affect the Terms and Conditions.
- Guarantees that all information, including but not limited to data and/or documents, provided by Merchant in connection with these Terms and Conditions is true and does not violate applicable laws and regulations. If it is proven that the data and/or documents provided by Merchant are incorrect/inappropriate and result in losses to Bank, all such losses shall be the responsibility of Merchant.
- Merchant authorizes Bank and/or the party appointed by Bank to check and/or request data and/or information required by Bank from Merchant at any time, and Merchant guarantees that Merchant will provide the information referred to in point M.6 letter d.
- Approves and/or authorizes Bank to carry out the process of checking Merchant's Financial Information Service System (SLIK) data in accordance with applicable regulations as a form of implementing the Bank's risk management for the use of the Bank's products and services.
- Declares and guarantees that they have read, understood, and agreed to all provisions of the Terms and Conditions and Bank has provided an explanation and requested confirmation from Merchant for an explanation of the benefits, costs, and risks of using Bank Facilities by Merchant as referred to in these Terms and Conditions.
- In the event that Merchant changes its name, management, domicile, Articles of Association, names of parties authorized to sign correspondence, invoices, checks, and similar letters and current accounts, Merchant shall immediately report to Bank by attaching copies of authentic evidence of such changes in accordance with Bank's requirements. For these obligations, Merchant hereby releases Bank from all claims, both civil and criminal, arising from Merchant's negligence.
- Merchant must notify Bank in writing within 14 (fourteen) Business Days if there is a change and/or addition to the type of business, including but not limited to changes and/or additions to the products and services offered by Merchant.
- Bank has the full right to provide information to the Issuer and/or other parties in connection with the acceptance of the Card and the type of business of Merchant as specified in the Terms and Conditions.
- Merchant agrees to be fully responsible for losses, claims, and costs (including the cost of legal action) incurred by its negligence in one or more of the obligations in these Terms and Conditions, unless it can be proven that such rights are the fault of Bank.
- Bank applies principles and mechanisms to protect Merchant's financial assets in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations, including but not limited to the provision of Transaction history information and/or control mechanisms against misuse, among others:
- fraud, embezzlement of assets, leakage of information, and banking crime (fraud);
- not in accordance with applicable norms (misconduct);
- Other abuses.
- In the event that in the future there are differences in interpretation or disputes over these Terms and Conditions, Bank and Merchant agree to resolve first by deliberation to reach consensus in good faith, and if no agreement is reached by deliberation, Bank and Merchant agree to resolve it through the Court, for which Bank and Merchant choose a general and permanent legal domicile at the South Jakarta District Court.
- Merchant Application Form and any attachments to these Terms and Conditions (if any) are part and parcel of the Terms and Conditions.