FAQ - Customer Service Machine
FAQ - Customer Service Machine
Customer Service Machine
To serve Debit Card Replacements and Savings Account Opening
Questions You Are Looking For
CS (Customer Service) Machine is Bank Mandiri's newest digital service which is here to offer solutions with the process of replacing debit cards and opening accounts practically and independently (self-service) without having to queue at Customer Service branches.
- Open a Mandiri Account on CS (Customer Service) Machine.
- Replacement of debit cards with cards (card for card).
- Replacement of debit cards without cards (lost cards).
- Open an account using CS Machine
- Prospective customers prepare e-ID (in good condition), cellphone number & email address that is active and can be accessed by the customer, as well as Taxpayer Identification Number (not mandatory).
- Prospective customers have credit and data packages on their cellphones.
- Replacing Card with Card (Card to Card)
- Customer prepares e-ID (in good condition).
- The customer confirms that the debit card can still be used at the ATM machine.
- Customers still know the debit card PIN they want to replace.
- Cardless Replacement (Lost Card)
- Customer prepares e-ID (in good condition).
- The customer knows the account number of the debit card that will be replaced.
- Customers still know the debit card PIN that will be changed.
For complete CSM information, click here