Kopra Bill Reminder

Kopra Bill Reminder

Kopra Bill Reminder is a feature on Kopra by Mandiri provided to Billers using the Mandiri Bill Collection (MBC) service as an additional solution for Billers to collect payments from consumers (Payers) through Livin’ by Mandiri. 

What are the benefits of Kopra Bill Reminder?

  • Enhances the customer experience for Payer transactions through Mandiri Bill Payment (MBP) and Mandiri Virtual Account (MVA) via the Livin’ by Mandiri channel.
  • Accelerates the collection process for Billers.
  • Payment Guarantee for the Billers.

Who can use Kopra Bill Reminder?

Billers who have access to Kopra by Mandiri with a closed payment mechanism. 

How to activate the Kopra Bill Reminder feature?

  • Customers log in to Kopra by Mandiri.
  • Customers access the Bill Reminder menu.
  • Customers register their Biller Code according to the collection account registered in Kopra by Mandiri.
  • Customers top up their push notification quota using the payment method displayed on the Kopra by Mandiri screen.
  • The customer sends a push notification via the API single messaging or file upload by adding information to the billing data: Payer's Phone Number, Start Date (the time when the bill is first displayed in Livin' by Mandiri), and End Date (the time when the bill is no longer displayed in Livin' by Mandiri).

How many Biller Codes can be registered under one company ID in the Kopra Bill Reminder feature?

Multiple Biller Codes can be registered under a single Company ID (multi-Biller codes).

What is the mechanism of the Kopra Bill Reminder service?

What is the price of the Kopra Bill Reminder service?

The Kopra Bill Reminder feature is subject to a fee that will be determined by agreement with the Biller.

What is the push notification quota available to the Biller?

The push notification quota available to the Biller consists of the initial quota received upon registering the Biller Code plus any additional top-up made by the Biller as needed. Top-up can be done for a fee that will be determined by agreement with the Biller.

How can one stop the push notifications?

The Biller can select the Biller Code for which they want to stop the Kopra Bill Reminder service by choosing the "stop service" action.

What are the potential risks that may arise when using the Kopra Bill Reminder service?

  • Possibility of mismatch between billing data and the Payer's phone number, as Bank Mandiri only verifies whether the Payer's phone number provided by the Biller is a Livin' user or not (without verifying the accuracy of the billing data and the Payer's phone number).
  • Potential communication network disruptions that could cause interruptions or prevent the Kopra Bill Reminder service from functioning properly.
  • Possibility of delay anomalies in the delivery of push notifications to Livin' by Mandiri. 

Who are the contacts that can be contacted if there are problems with the Kopra Bill Reminder service? 

You can contact Bank Mandiri through Mandiri Call Centre 14000 or through Bank Mandiri Branch Offices and can contact Mandiri Service Desk / mandiri.servicedesk@bankmandiri.co.id


For More Information

Mandiri Call 14000