Kopra Beyond Borders
Kopra Beyond Borders

Kopra Beyond Borders
Kopra Beyond Borders is an internet banking service that supports Business and Corporate Customers of Bank Mandiri, both domestically and internationally. It simplifies financial transactions between Parent Companies and Foreign Subsidiaries located in Singapore, Hong Kong, Timor Leste – Dili, and China – Shanghai.
What are the benefits of Kopra Beyond Borders?
Provides convenience for corporate customers in conducting financial transactions between parent companies and their overseas subsidiaries. It also offers easy access to monitor financial reports and transaction histories of overseas subsidiaries or cross-border branches.
Who can use the Kopra Beyond Borders features?
Kopra Beyond Borders can be accessed through a single portal at https://koprabymandiri.com.
Who can use the Kopra Beyond Borders features?
Kopra Beyond Borders is available to all existing Corporate Customers who have Cash Management overseas offices (Indonesia, Singapore, and Dili). Customers can directly use their Kopra Cash Management overseas offices credentials (Company ID, User ID, and Password) to access Kopra Beyond Borders.
What features can Kopra Beyond Borders users enjoy?
- Single Access: Simplifies access for Customers with Kopra Cash Management overseas offices accounts by providing a single portal, allowing them to access their transaction channels through a Single URL Access at https://koprabymandiri.com.
- Consolidated Financial Dashboard: Offers users a solution to monitor various financial information and accommodates Customer needs for data and information analysis.
Requirements and Procedures
- Customers can access the URL at https://koprabymandiri.com.
- Customers log in using their Kopra Cash Management overseas offices credentials.
- Once logged in, customers can immediately access the features available on the Kopra by Mandiri Portal.
To access Kopra Beyond Border feature, customers only need to have Mandiri Cash Management Overseas Office credentials.
What are the potential risks of using the Kopra Beyond Borders service?
If the customer using the Kopra Beyond Border feature incorrectly enters the credentials 3 times, the account will be blocked.
What are the fees for using Kopra Beyond Borders?
Kopra Beyond Border feature can be used for free by Mandiri Cash Management overseas office customers.
Who to Contact for Issues with Kopra Beyond Borders Services?
If you encounter any issues or require assistance with Kopra Beyond Borders services, please reach out to the respective Bank Mandiri overseas representative office based on your location.
Info Lebih Lanjut

Kopra Call Center 1500150, +65 62135688 (Singapore)
email : kopra@bankmandiri.co.id | mis_admin_bm@bankmandiri.com.sg