Kredit Modal Kerja

Working Capital Loan

Is a short term loan facility provided in Rupiah or foreign currency to finance the need for working capital that will be spent in one business cycle with a maximum period 1 (one) year.


  1. Disbursement can be done anytime in accordance with business need.
  2. The unused portion of the loan will not be subject to interest rate.
  3. Financial activation is channeled through the loan account.


  1. Period : Maximum of 1 (one) year
  2. Financing : Maximum Bank Mandiri is 70% of working capital’s need and self-financing minimum 30%.
  3. Main collateral : The business being financed
  4. Additional collateral : To be added as requirement if deemed necessary by bank’s assessment.

More Information

For further information regarding our products, please contact Call Mandiri at 14000, or click here to contact our Commercial Banking Center.