Kopra Value Chain

Kopra Value Chain

Kopra Value Chain is a web-based portal offered by the Bank to meet customer needs related to supply chain transactions. This platform facilitates interactions among principals, suppliers, and distributors, encompassing the processes of invoice submission, invoice acceptance, payment instructions, and financing requests.

What types of financing are available in Kopra Value Chain?

Kopra Value Chain provide two types of supply chain financing, such as:

  • Account Payable Financing, credit facility provided by the Bank to Debtor (as a Buyers) in order to enable on time payment of Seller’s invoice.

  • Account Receivable Financing, credit facility provided by the Bank to Debtor in order to accelerate Seller’s invoice payment acceptance from Buyers.

Who can register for the Kopra Value Chain? 

Customer of entity who already have Cash Management services can register to Kopra Value Chain.

Do I need to have a Bank Mandiri account to register for Kopra Value Chain? 

Yes, you must have a Bank Mandiri account to use Kopra Value Chain.

How to access the Kopra Value Chain?

You can access Kopra Value Chain via https://koprabymandiri.com/ by inputting the company’s Kopra by Mandiri credential.

What are the benefits of using the Kopra Value Chain?

Kopra Value Chain offers an added-value to the customer's supply chain financing process, such as:

  • Security Assurance: Kopra Value Chain is equipped with a certified system and an authorization matrix to ensure approval for every transaction performed.
  • Enhanced Transaction Effectiveness: Experience the ease of monitoring transaction information, limits, and usage real-time, as well as electronic data storage and reporting provided through Kopra Value Chain.
  • Service Efficiency: Enjoy the convenience of initiating payments or submitting financing requests anywhere and anytime through web-based portal offered by the Bank through Kopra Value Chain.
  • Free Service Fees: Take advantage of Kopra Value Chain and gain full access to all features without any charges. Charges will only be incurred if the customer submits a financing request that is subsequently approved by the Bank.

What are the features of Kopra Value Chain?

  • Dashboard: menu on the home screen page that provides easy access to an overview of transaction status, a calendar that displays transaction due information, access limit information for easy monitoring and many other things. The dashboard display can be customised according to the wishes of each user.
  • Invoice Submission: menu to upload invoices that will be used as underlying financing value chain. There are 2 invoice submission methods, namely, manual create and file upload.
  • Disburse Instruction: menu to determine the details of using the facility such as the percentage of the loan from the uploaded invoice and the loan tenor.
  • Payment Instruction: menu to determine the details of invoice payments such as the percentage of limit usage and determine the loan tenor.
  • Loan Repayment: A menu used by the Customer to make full or partial loan payments.
  • Report: A menu for managing transaction reports with real-time data that can be directly accessed by the Customer.

What risk can occur with the use of Kopra Value Chain?

Considering that value chain transactions are run on a closed loop, the risks that may arise from the use of Kopra Value Chain are operational risks such as:

  • Input error of invoice due date which causes invoice disbursement/payment not to run according to the due date.
  • Incorrect selection of counter party name when the customer makes a transaction that causes the invoice billing/payment is not appropriate.

If I already have an account in Mandiri’s Supply Chain Management, do I need to register for a new account in Kopra Value Chain? 

No, you can log in to https://koprabymandiri.com/  using your existing Mandiri Financing Supply Chain Management account.

If I have roles as both a seller and a buyer, can I use the Kopra Value Chain with a single account? 

Yes, you can utilize Kopra Value Chain with a single account for both roles, as either a seller or a buyer. 

Who to contact if you want to use Kopra Value Chain? 

You can contact Bank Mandiri Transaction Banking Helpdesk via 14000 or through their Relationship Manager (RM).  

Who can be contacted if there are problems in using Kopra Value Chain?

You can contact Bank Mandiri Transaction Banking Helpdesk via 14000 or through their Relationship Manager (RM).  


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