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Enjoy the benefits and convenience with Bank Mandiri QRIS.

Make it easy to accept transactions using QR codes from all QR-based applications in Indonesia for the convenience of your business.


Benefits of Becoming a QRIS Mandiri Merchant

Easy and Fast Registration

Simply fulfil the requirements and you can join in just a few days.

Reliable service and wide coverage

Join hundreds of thousands of other Bank Mandiri merchants and accept payments from millions of wallets

Precise and Accurate Transaction Reports

Get complete daily reports and make it easy to track your daily transactions

Various Programmes and Promos

Increase sales with various programmes from Bank Mandiri

Our products with
Static QRIS

QR codes that can be printed on stickers, tentcards, lanyards to facilitate a variety of different payment transactions

Livin' the business

Register for QRIS merchants from your smartphone and enjoy its exciting features.

  • For individual customers 
  • Registration can be done anywhere
  • Settlement and Report on the same day

Static QRIS

QRIS payment method via printed stickers is cheap, easy and fast.

  • For individual and corporate customers
  • Settlement and Report H+1 calendar
  • Real-time email notifications

Our products with
Dynamic QRIS

QR Code yang di-generate melalui menu QRIS pada mesin EDC atau POS anda, dan hanya bisa digunakan untuk satu kali transaksi


QRIS API facilitates payment via QRIS in your app or device

  • For partners who have Web / Apps / POS
  • Settlement dan Report H+1 kalender
  • Notifikasi near-realtime


Enjoy payment via QRIS through Bank Mandiri's EDC.

  • For business entity customers
  • Settlement and Report H+1 calendar
  • Accept domestic and international QR transactions

QRIS Transaction Fees and Limits

A. Cost

Regular Merchant

Business Type MDR
Micro Business 0.3%
Small, Medium, and Large Enterprises 0.7%

Speciality Merchants

Business Type MDR
Education 0.6%
Petrol Station, Public Service Agency, Public Service Obligation 0.4%
Goverment to People (example: Bansos) 0.0%
People To Goverment (example: Tax and Social Donations) 0.0%

B. Transaction Limit

The nominal for each QRIS transaction is limited to a maximum of IDR 10,000,000 (ten million rupiah) per transaction in accordance with PADG provisions.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) is the standardisation of payments using the QR Code method from Bank Indonesia so that the QR Code transaction process that you do is easier, faster, and safer.

Merchant benefits:

With the integration of QR codes into one QRIS for all, the transaction process becomes more effective and efficient so that it can cut queue time.

Benefits for consumers:

Consumers can be more flexible in choosing payment applications with QR codes when making transactions. Imagine, consumers who were previously faced with QR codes from various application providers before making a payment transaction, are now only faced with one QR code, namely QRIS, which is certainly much more flexible!

Merchant Presented Mode (MPM)

A payment method where the Merchant's QRIS will be scanned by the consumer using Livin' by Mandiri or other payment apps, how:
  • Open Livin' by Mandiri
  • Pilih QR Pay
  • Scan the merchant's QRIS
  • Enter Livin' Pin
  • Receive notification of successful payment

Customer Presented Mode (CPM)

A payment method where consumers generate QRIS through Livin' by Mandiri or other payment applications to be scanned by POS or Merchant Scanner, how:
  • Open Livin' by Mandiri
  • Select QR Pay, then select Show QR
  • Enter Livin' Pin
  • Appear QR and point at Merchant POS/ Scanner
  • Receive notification of successful payment
  • QRIS as an alternative to receiving non-cash payments from the Livin' by Mandiri application and various other banking and / or fintech applications.
  • Transactions are automatically recorded and the transaction history can be recapitulated.
  • Decrease the risk of loss due to giving the wrong change or receiving payment with counterfeit money.
Bank Mandiri provides solutions for Individual Static QRIS applications and bulk Static QRIS applications for Business Entities (for example: Social Donations, Education and others) by contacting email: or Mandiri Call 14000
QRIS can be used for payments by scanning QR codes provided by merchants or financial service providers. After scanning, you can select the desired payment method, such as a digital wallet or bank card, and confirm the payment.
QRIS supports various payment methods, including digital wallets (such as GoPay, OVO, Dana, etc.), credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and direct payments from banking apps.
Stores or merchants that accept payments using QRIS will usually display the QRIS logo and QR code at the cashier or payment point. You can ask the store clerk if you are not sure if QRIS is supported. is supported.
Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) is a fee charged to Merchants through deduction of payment value for QRIS transactions at Merchants.
In accordance with Bank Indonesia letter No. 25/316/DKSP/Srt/B dated 26 June 2023 regarding Submission of Pricing Scheme for QRIS MPM and CPM Transaction Processing and QRIS MDR Policy for Micro Businesses. Merchant pricing scheme QRIS Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) for Micro Businesses from 0% to 0.3% with effect from 1 July 2023.
Merchant Type Category % MDR
Reguler Regular Micro Business (UMI) 0.3%
Small Business (UKE), Medium Business (UME) and Large Business (UBE) 0.7%
Special Education 0.6%
Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU), Public Service Agency (BLU), Public Service Obligation (PSO) 0.4%
Government to People (G2P) such as Social Assistance (Bansos), People to Government (P2G) including taxes, passports, and social donations (non-profit) 0%
MDR is charged to merchants as part of the digital payment service fee. As a customer, there is no additional MDR fee when using QRIS for payments at merchants.
The MDR fee is charged to the merchant through deducting the payment value of the QRIS transaction so that the transaction that enters the merchant's account has been reduced by the MDR fee.
MDR is implemented to enable digital payment service providers, such as banks or digital wallet companies, to operate infrastructure and provide secure and practical payment services.

All types of digital payment methods have risks, including payments using QRIS, which are divided into QRIS payments through merchants and payments using the Livin' by Mandiri application with the QR Payment feature. 

The risks associated with QRIS at merchants include:   

  • Risk of Inappropriate Transactions:
    • The risk of the QR which is to be paid is a fake QR, not belonging to the merchant where the transaction is taking place. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the QR code matches the name of the merchant where the customer is making the payment transaction.  
    • Risk of QR payments using QR codes sent by fraudulent entities, leading to the funds paid by the customer being directed into the account of the fraudster.   
  • Risk of data security: 
    The potential risk of compromising personal data by scanning QR codes from unreliable or insecure sources, leading to possible privacy violations through irresponsible parties.   
  • Risk of System Failure: 
    The risk of connection disruptions or system maintenance leading to payment transaction failures.
  • Risk of Payment Failure:   
    The risk of payment failure occurs when a customer attempts a payment transaction exceeding the daily limit, the per-transaction limit, or when there are insufficient funds available in the account.
For more information about QRIS, please visit the nearest Bank Mandiri branch or contact Mandiri Call 14000.