Tabungan SiMakmur - Laku Pandai

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Mandiri Tabungan SiMakmur - Laku Pandai

Easy Access and Cheap Savings

Individual saving accounts in rupiah currency that utilize technology and information facilities from branchless banking agents (Mandiri Agent) in collaboration with Bank Mandiri so that all peoples can reach banking services easily (financial inclusion).



  • Free minimum account balance and monthly administration fee.
  • Free initial deposit and subsequent deposit.
  • Easy transaction without having to visit the branch office, just visit the nearest Mandiri Agent location.
  • Making transactions at anytime and at anywhere.
  • Get interest according to the applicable provisions from the account balance of Rp1.00.
  • Having SMS Banking facility that will be used as a means of transaction.
  • Secured by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS).

Terms and conditions of Mandiri Tabungan SiMakmur - Laku Pandai

  • Indonesian Citizen
  • Individual, present the id. card / e-KTP with NIK (Id. No.) registered with the Population Administration Information System.
  • Not having any savings product at the Bank.
  • Not allowed to be switched into a joint account
  • Fill out the Mandiri Tabungan SiMakmur account opening form at Mandiri Agent.

Interest Rate Simulation

Jenis Tabungan Nominal Dana Interest Rate p.a. Jlh Hari Nominal Monthly Interest Rate
Simakmur 10.000.000 0,10% 30 822


  • Savings interest will be credited at the end of each month to the concerned account.
  • In the event of any change in interest rates, it will affect the interest amount received by customers.



More product information:

Information on Risks Related Product
  • Customer's savings account is not included in the Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan/LPS) guarantee program, if:
    • All customers’ deposits balance amount is exceeding (equivalent) IDR. 2 (two) billion at one bank, either for a single account or joint accounts.
    • Interest rate that the Customer gets exceeds the maximum interest rate of LPS guarantee
  • Fluctuations in savings interest rates can occur following market developments.
  • Customer is required to maintain confidential data (debit card number, card validity period, CVC/CVV, pin, username, password, OTP, date of birth, maiden mother's name), misuse of confidential data by unauthorized parties is fully under Customer’s responsibility.
  • Customer is obliged to provide information and/or data in accordance with the actual conditions and all consequences if the Customer does not submit information and/or data will be fully be the Customer's responsibility.