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TabunganKu is a savings account for Indonesian citizens that offers easy and convenient requirements. The TabunganKu program is run jointly by banks in Indonesia so as to foster a culture of saving and boost people's welfare.

As Indonesia’s largest and most trusted bank, Bank Mandiri invites you to save in a TabunganKu account with Bank Mandiri.



You can open a TabunganKu account with an initial deposit of only Rp 20.000, while the minimum amount for subsequent deposits is just Rp 10.000.


Let your money grow

ou will benefit from an attractive interest rate calculated on a daily basis -- obviously more profitable than keeping your cash at home.

Your money will continue to grow as there is no monthly administration fee, and you only need to maintain a minimum account balance of just Rp 20.000.



As a TabunganKu customer of Bank Mandiri, you will be provided with a passbook as evidence of your account.

With your TabunganKu Card, you can withdraw funds and check your account balance at thousands of ATMs bearing the Mandiri ATM, Link and ATM Bersama logos. You can also make deposits and check your balance through Mandiri ATM Cash Deposit Machines.


TabunganKu terms and conditions

  • You will first need to fill out the application form and present a valid ID card (KTP).
  • Deposits may be made through the Bank Mandiri Branch Office where you opened your account or through Mandiri Mobile or Mandiri ATM Cash Deposit Machines.
  • Withdrawals can be made at the Branch Office where you opened your account. The conditions for making withdrawals are as follows:
    • Present your TabunganKu Card
    • Minimum withdrawal of Rp 100,000 per transaction
    • Maximum of 1 withdrawal per month. Withdrawals in excess of once per month are subject to a charge of Rp 5.000.
    • Withdrawal less than Rp 10 million are subject to a charge of Rp 10.000.
  • Each person may only have 1 (one) account, except in the case of a parent who opens an account for a child who is still under parental guardianship.
  • Not permitted for joint accounts with "and / or" status.
  • An account in respect of which no transactions have been conducted over 6 consecutive months (passive) is subject to a charge of Rp 2.000 per month.
  • A passive account with a balance of Rp 20.000 or less will be automatically closed by the system.
  • ATM Transactions
  • Your TabunganKu Card is valid for 3 (three) years from its date of issuance. This is printed on the front of the card (Valid Thru: month / year). There is no charge for the replacement of an expired card at the Bank Mandiri Branch Office where the account was opened.

Simulasi Suku Bunga

Jenis Tabungan Nominal Dana Bunga p.a Jlh Hari Nominal bunga/bulan
TabunganKu 10.000.000 0,10% 30 822


  • Bunga tabungan dikreditkan setiap akhir bulan ke rekening yang bersangkutan
  • Dalam hal terdapat perubahan suku bunga, maka akan berpengaruh pada nominal bunga yang diterima nasabah



More Information:

  • Tabungan Nasabah tidak termasuk dalam program penjaminan Penjaminan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), apabila:
    • Nominal seluruh saldo simpanan Nasabah melebihi (equivalen) Rp. 2 (dua) Miliar pada satu bank, baik untuk rekening tunggal maupun rekening gabungan (joint account)
    • Suku bunga yang Nasabah dapatkan melebihi tingkat bunga maksimum penjaminan LPS
  • Fluktuasi suku bunga tabungan bisa terjadi mengikuti perkembangan pasar.
  • Nasabah wajib menjaga data rahasia (nomor kartu debit, masa berlaku kartu, CVC/CVV, pin, username, password, OTP, tanggal lahir, nama ibu kandung), penyalahgunaan data rahasia oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang menjadi tanggung jawab Nasabah sepenuhnya.
  • Nasabah berkewajiban menyediakan informasi dan/atau data sesuai dengan kondisi sesungguhnya dan konsekuensi jika Nasabah tidak menyampaikan informasi dan/atau data yang sebenarnya menjadi tanggung jawab Nasabah sepenuhnya.

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