Mandiri Karir - Value
New Core Values BUMN
Memegang teguh kepercayaan yang diberikan
Terus belajar dan mengembangkan kapabilitas
Saling peduli dan menghargai perbedaan
Berdedikasi dan mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa dan negara
Terus berinovasi dan antusias dalam menggerakan ataupun menghadapi perubahan
Membangun kerjasama yang strategis
5 Work Culture
How do we work as a team?
All Mandirians must prioritize the interests of Mandiri above other interests, collaborate, and have empathy and mutual respect
How do we work as individuals?
All Mandirians must have a learner mindset, work intelligently, be agile, adaptive, and solutive, and have a high intrapreneurship and resilience spirit.
How do we grow our business & performance?
All Mandirians must be able to think and act in a balanced way, not only pursuing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) but also being able to control risk, and make process improvements, and increase capabilities to build a long-term sustainable business.
How do we prioritize work?
Explore the needs and maintain professional relationships with customers, and can provide solutions to meet customer needs appropriately.
How do we define work & responsibilities?
Independent behavior that can give meaning to work, as well as contribute and have a balanced role as an agent of development