Mandiri Virtual Account

Mandiri Virtual Account

Mandiri Virtual Account is an identification number generated by bank on behalf of company given from the company to the end user (individual and non individual) to help acknowledge payment information (amount and identity) of the payer.


  1. Easeness in Identifying Business Partner
    Business partners can conduct payment transactions through Bank Mandiri or other banks without losing the necessary payment information for the companies.
  2. Speedy and Easy Reconciliation in Collection Transactions
    Companies can quickly and easily expedite the reconciliation process through electronic statements that include the virtual account number as the business partner’s identity.
  3. Optimization in Managing Company Funds
    The funds in the company’s account can be use directly due to the real-time incoming funds from business partners.
  4. Easy and Quick Implementation
    Simply fill out the application and submit the required documents.


  1. Virtual Account is used for payer identification
  2. Virtual Account will be shown on Company / Biller bank statement
  3. Payment can be processed through all Bank Mandiri channels and from other Banks (CN, RTGS & SWIFT)
  4. Multiple currency (IDR & USD)


  1. Transaction
    Wide variety option for customer to pay:
    1. Through Bank Mandiri branches and e-channel
    2. Other banks (CN, RTGS & SWIFT)
  2. Instruments
    1. Cash, Cheque and Bilyet Giro Bank Mandiri
    2. Incoming transfer from other banks


Mandiri Virtual Account

Terms & Pricing

For more information about service terms and pricing please contact Mandiri Call 14000 or

Wholesale Product Management Group
Cash Management Department

Plaza Mandiri Lt.24
Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto kav 36 – 38
Jakarta Selatan 12190
Phone : (021) 5296 3001-3, 524 5822
Fax : (021) 5290 4290
e-mail :