Product - Reksadana

Mandiri Reksadana

Bank Mandiri

Mutual Fund

Mutual Funds is an instrument used to raise public investors funds to further be invested in a Securities Portfolio by the Investment Manager.
There are several parties involve in mutual fund products, including Investment Manager, Custodian Bank, and Mutual Fund Securities Selling Agents. The Investment Manager is tasked with managing the mutual funds portfolios, while the Custodian Bank is the party performing administration, recording and Depository of mutual fund assets.
In this matter , Bank Mandiri acts as a Mutual Fund Securities Selling Agent (APERD) which is tasked with selling mutual fund securities based on a cooperation contract with the Investment Manager who manages the mutual funds. Bank Mandiri has been registered as the APERD with Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Services Authority) (OJK) since 2007.

What are the benefits of investing in mutual funds?

  • Affordable
    You can invest in mutual funds starting from IDR 10,000.00
  • Managed by experienced Investment Managers
    Your investment in Mutual Funds is managed by professional Investment Manager partners of Bank Mandiri.
  • Diversification
    By purchasing 1 mutual fund product, you will get a variety of investment portfolios simultaneously. Objectives of this diversification is to minimize risks while optimizing returns on your mutual fund investments.
  • Liquid and flexible
    Mutual fund purchases and redemption may be made at any time on every stock exchange day and the proceeds gaining from mutual fund redemption will return to your account within a maximum of 7 business days. You may also decide for yourself the type of mutual fund you want and the amount you will invest according to your risk profile.
  • Transparent
    You can monitor mutual fund performance daily via the Livin' by Mandiri application. Apart from that, you will also receive monthly reports from Bank Mandiri.
  • Tax relief
    Mutual funds are included in the non-taxpayer of Income Tax category.
  • Investments are officially registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK)

What are the risks of investing in mutual funds?

  • Risk of changes in economic and political conditions
  • Risk of reducing the value of investment units
  • Liquidity risk
  • Risk of default
  • Market risk
  • Risk of changes in laws and regulations
  • Other risks listed in each Mutual Fund Prospectus

How to Start Investing?

Here are some tips & tricks to start investment in mutual funds
  • Create a Budget
    Prepare a monthly budget and record your daily expenses. Make sure the budget is in accordance with the priority scale.
  • Postpone unnecessary shopping
    Avoid impulsive buying. Prioritize the needs that really cannot be postponed and are the main priority.
  • Keep saving for an emergency funds
    By saving an emergency fund, our retirement savings and future can be protected in case of urgent needs.
  • Determine clear financial goals
    Determine your financial goals based on the desired target and the period for achieving it. Financial goals help us to invest more purposefully.
  • Start Investing
    Choose investment instruments matches with your time horizon, financial goals and risks profile. Immediately open an investment account and start investing. Don't delay your investment.
  • Review Investments Periodically
    Review your investments regularly and make diversification in various asset classes, to avoid the risk of uncertainty. Increase your sources of information regarding the suitable investment.

What are the Types of Mutual Fund Products?

Conventional Mutual Funds (Open-end)
  • Money Market Mutual Funds
    Money Market Mutual Funds are mutual funds only investing in domestic money market instruments and/or debt securities with a maturity term of less than 1 (one) year.
  • Fixed Income Mutual Funds
    Fixed Income Mutual Funds are Mutual Funds that invest at least 80% (eighty percent) of the Net Asset Value comprising debt securities.
  • Mixed Mutual Funds
    Mixed Mutual Funds are mutual funds investing in equity securities, debt securities, and/or domestic money market instruments, each of which does not exceed 79% of its assets, where in the portfolio, there must consist of equity securities and equity securities and debt securities.
  • Equity Mutual Funds
    Equity Mutual Funds are mutual funds investing at least 80% of the assets in equity securities.

Protected Mutual Funds (RDT)

Protected Mutual Funds (RDT) are mutual funds providing protection for investors' initial investments through their portfolio management mechanism. The Protected Mutual Fund Investment Manager will invest a portion of the funds it manages in debt securities classified as the investment grade category, so that the value of the debt securities at the maturity date can at least cover the protected value.

Limited Participation Mutual Funds (RDPT)

Limited Participation Mutual Funds are mutual funds raising funds from professional investors which will be further invested in Securities Portfolios based on Real Sector Activities. The Real Sector Activities consist of activities either directly or indirectly, related to the production of goods, provision of services in the real sectors including but not limited to the production of goods, and/or working capital from such activities.

Where can I buy mutual fund products?

You can purchase mutual fund products through the Livin' by Mandiri application or APERD Bank Mandiri Branches spread throughout Indonesia.

Mutual fund investment tips and tricks

  • People
    Choose mutual funds managed by an Investment Manager (MI) who is legal and possesses official license from the OJK. MI must have a good track record, large funds under management, and an effective strategy.
  • Process
    Choose mutual funds that matches your investment term and risk profile according to your portfolio needs.
  • Product
    Knowing the mutual fund you want to buy through the product documents, namely the prospectus and fund fact sheet.
  • Portfolio
    Determine your portfolio composition that matches your investment goals. Your portfolio may, of course, consist of several products.
  • Performance
    Tracing the short and long term performance of products in various market conditions. More consistent or higher the returns in various market conditions, better performance of the products.
We collaborate with the selected investment managers for providing investment products solutions that meet your needs.

Product - Table Reksadana

Money Market Fund

Name/Type of Mutual Funds Custodian Bank Fund Manager Monthly Performance Report
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Money Market Fund
Batavia Dana Kas Maxima HSBC Batavia FFS Prospektus
BRI Seruni Pasar Uang II Kelas A Standard Chartered Bank BRI FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Investa Pasar Uang Kelas A Citibank, NA MMI FFS Prospektus
Manulife Dana Kas II Kelas A Standard Chartered Bank Manulife FFS Prospektus
Bahana Dana Likuid Kelas G Standard Chartered Bank Bahana FFS Prospektus
Bahana Liquid USD Standard Chartered Bank Bahana FFS Prospektus
BNP Paribas Rupiah Plus Deutsche Bank AG BNP Paribas FFS Prospektus
TRIM KAS 2 Kelas B Bank DBS Indonesia Trimegah FFS


Mandiri Money Market USD Bank DBS Indonesia MMI FFS Prospektus ​​​​​​​
Mandiri Pasar Uang Syariah Kelas A Standard Chartered Bank MMI FFS Prospektus ​​​​​​​
Sucorinvest Sharia Money Market Fund HSBC Sucor FFS Prospektus ​​​​​​​

Fixed Income Fund

Name/Type of Mutual Funds Custodian Bank Fund Manager Monthly Performance Report
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Fixed Income Fund
Mandiri Investa Dana Syariah Kelas D Deutsche Bank AG MMI FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Investa Dana Utama Kelas A Deutsche Bank AG MMI FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Investa Dana Obligasi Seri II Kelas A Deutsche Bank AG MMI FFS Prospektus
Manulife Obligasi Negara Indonesia II Kelas A Standard Chartered Bank Manulife FFS Prospektus
Manulife Pendapatan Bulanan II HSBC Manulife FFS Prospektus
Schroder Dana Andalan II Deutsche Bank AG Schroder FFS Prospektus
Schroder Dana Mantap Plus II Deutsche Bank AG Schroder FFS Prospektus
Bahana Obligasi Ganesha Kelas D Standard Chartered Bank Bahana FFS Prospektus
Bahana Obligasi Kehati Lestari Kelas G Standard Chartered Bank Bahana FFS Prospektus
Bahana Pendapatan Tetap Makara Prima Kelas G Standard Chartered Bank Bahana FFS Prospektus
Ashmore Dana Obligasi Nusantara HSBC Ashmore FFS Prospektus
Batavia Dana Obligasi Ultima Standard Chartered Bank Batavia FFS Prospektus
Ashmore Dana Obligasi Unggulan Nusantara HSBC Ashmore FFS Prospektus
Trimegah Fixed Income Plan BCA Trimegah FFS Prospektus
BRI Melati Premium Dollar Citibank, NA BRI FFS Prospektus
Investa Dana Dollar Mandiri Kelas A Standard Chartered Bank MMI FFS Prospektus
Schroder USD Bond Fund Deutsche Bank AG Schroder FFS Prospektus
Ashmore Dana USD Nusantara HSBC Ashmore FFS Prospektus
Trimegah Dana Tetap Syariah CIMB Niaga Trimegah FFS Prospektus ​​​​​​​
Manulife Obligasi Unggulan Kelas A Standard Chartered Bank Manulife FFS Prospektus ​​​​​​​

Balanced Fund

Name/Type of Mutual Funds Custodian Bank Fund Manager Monthly Performance Report
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Balanced Fund
Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang Deutsche Bank AG MMI FFS Prospektus
Manulife Dana Campuran II HSBC Manulife FFS Prospektus
Schroder Dana Terpadu II Deutsche Bank AG Schroder FFS Prospektus
Batavia Dana Dinamis Deutsche Bank AG Batavia FFS Prospektus
BNP Paribas Equitra Campuran Harmoni Deutsche Bank AG BNP Paribas FFS Prospektus
Schroder Syariah Balanced Fund Deutsche Bank AG Schroder FFS Prospektus

Equity Fund

Name/Type of Mutual Funds Custodian Bank Fund Manager Monthly Performance Report
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Equity Fund
Mandiri Asia Sharia Equity Dollar Kelas A Citibank, NA MMI FFS Prospektus
BRI Mawar Citibank, NA BRI FFS Prospektus
BRI Mawar Fokus 10 Citibank, NA BRI FFS Prospektus
BRI Mawar Konsumer 10 Kelas A Citibank, NA BRI FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Investa Atraktif Kelas B HSBC MMI FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Investa Atraktif Syariah Deutsche Bank AG MMI FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Investa Ekuitas Dinamis Deutsche Bank AG MMI FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Investa Cerdas Bangsa Kelas B Deutsche Bank AG MMI FFS Prospektus
Manulife Dana Saham Kelas A Citibank, NA Manulife FFS Prospektus
Schroder Dana Prestasi Plus Deutsche Bank AG Schroder FFS Prospektus
Schroder Dana Prestasi Citibank, NA Schroder FFS Prospektus
Schroder 90 Plus Equity Fund Citibank, NA Schroder FFS Prospektus
Schroder Dana Istimewa HSBC Schroder FFS Prospektus
Batavia Dana Saham Deutsche Bank AG Batavia FFS Prospektus
Batavia Dana Saham Optimal Deutsche Bank AG Batavia FFS Prospektus
BNP Paribas Ekuitas Citibank, NA BNP Paribas FFS Prospektus
BNP Paribas Infrastruktur Plus Citibank, NA BNP Paribas FFS Prospektus
Manulife Syariah Sektoral Amanah Kelas A HSBC Manulife FFS Prospektus
Ashmore Dana Progresif Nusantara HSBC Ashmore FFS Prospektus
Ashmore Dana Ekuitas Nusantara HSBC Ashmore FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Investa Equity ASEAN 5 Plus Citibank, NA MMI FFS Prospektus
Bahana Primavera 99 Kelas A Standard Chartered Bank Bahana FFS Prospektus
TRIM Kapital Deutsche Bank AG PT. Trimegah Asset Management FFS Prospektus
Manulife Greater Indonesia Fund Citibank, NA Manulife FFS Prospektus
Mandiri Global Sharia Equity Dollar (Kelas A) Citibank, NA MMI FFS Prospektus
Schroder Global Sharia Equity Fund Citibank, NA Schroder FFS Prospektus
Manulife Saham Syariah Asia Pasifik Dollar AS Citibank, NA Manulife FFS Prospektus
Manulife Saham Syariah Global Dividen Dolar AS Kelas A5 HSBC Manulife FFS Prospektus
Batavia Global ESG Sharia Equity USD HSBC Batavia FFS Prospektus
Batavia Technology Sharia Equity USD HSBC Batavia FFS Prospektus ​​​​​​​

Reksa Dana Indeks

Name/Type of Mutual Funds Custodian Bank Fund Manager Monthly Performance Report
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Reksa Dana Indeks
Mandiri Indeks FTSE Indonesia ESG (Kelas A) Citibank, NA MMI FFS Prospektus