Current Account

Current Account


Mandiri Giro is a current account for third-party funds that offers various currency options, allowing withdrawals at any time by cheque or bilyet giro for Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), letter of authorization (LOA) for foreign currency, and other on-demand facilities as per Bank Mandiri regulations.

Key Features

  • Currency Options: Available in 15 currencies (USD, IDR, SGD, EUR, AUD, GBP, JPY, HKD, CHF, CNY, THB, MYR, SEK, NOK, SAR).
  • Convenient and Secure: Withdrawals by cheque/bilyet giro for IDR and LOA for foreign currency, as well as by debit cards for individual IDR accounts.
  • Flexibility: Account statements available in printed format or downloadable through various channels (e-statement).


  • Progressive and competitive giro services.
  • Progressive and competitive daily interest rates offer the opportunity for greater giro service benefits, with higher balances yielding greater service benefits.
  • Convenience:
    • Deposits and withdrawals can be conducted at all Bank Mandiri branches.
    • Easy to conduct business transactions using Mandiri current account cheque and Mandiri bilyet giro.
    • Easy transaction through Mandiri ATMs, Mandiri SMS, Mandiri Call, and other Mandiri E-Channel (for individual Mandiri Current Accounts).
    • Joint account option available (for individual accounts).
  • Ease of Transaction:
    • Our vast network of over 17,000 Mandiri ATMs helps you avoid queues when conducting banking transactions.
    • Over 2,500 Bank Mandiri Online Branches nationwide provide flexibility for your banking transactions, ensuring your daily banking needs can be conducted easily, wherever you are.

Fees & Other Charges

Currency Opening Balance and Minimum Balance
IDR IDR 1.000.000
JPY JPY 50.000
HKD HKD 5.000
CHF CHF 1.000
CNY CNY 3.500
THB THB 2.500
SAR SAR 1.000

The minimum balance is equal to the value of the initial deposit provisions in accordance with the type of exchange.

Rupiah Account Fees
Monthly Administration Fees:
Government Exempt
Individual & Corporate Customers Rp 25,000.00/ month
Dormant Account Rp 250,000.00/ month
Cheque / Bilyet Giro Rp 1,000.00/ per instrument (excluding stamp duty)
Counter Cheque (with receipt) Rp 2,000.00/ per instrument (excluding stamp duty)
Cancellation of Bilyet Giro Rp 30,000.00/ instrument
Account Closure Fees:
By Customer Rp 25,000.00
By Bank Rp 20,000.00
Lost Cheque or Bilyet Giro:
Blank / unfilled Rp 30,000.00/ instrument
Filled in Rp 30,000.00/ report
Fee for Cheque/Bilyet Giro Dishonored through Clearing:
Local instrument Rp 125.000,00/ instrument
Intercity instrument Rp 150.000,00/ instrument
Sweep fee Rp 10.000,00/ month
Minimum Monthly Balance Penalty Rp 25.000,00/ month
Currency Monthly
SGD SGD 5 SGD 10 SGD 20 SGD 50
AUD AUD 10 AUD 10 AUD 20 AUD 100
JPY JPY 500 JPY 500 JPY 1,000 JPY 5,000
HKD HKD 50 HKD 50 HKD 100 HKD 500
CHF CHF 10 CHF 20 CHF 20 CHF 100
CNY CNY 30 CNY 30 CNY 70 CNY 300
THB THB 65 - THB 65 -
MYR MYR 10 - MYR 10 -
SEK SEK 30 - SEK 60 SEK 30
NOK NOK 30 - NOK 60 NOK 30
SAR SAR 25 SAR 25 SAR 25 SAR 100
Statement Request Fee Other Than For Monthly Statement:
≤ 3 months Rp 2,500.00/ statement
> 3 s/d 6 months Rp 5,000.00/ statement
> 6 s/d 9 months Rp 10,000.00/ statement
> 9 s/d 12 months Rp 15,000.00/ statement
> 12 months Rp 20,000.00/ statement

Terms & Conditions

  • Not included in the national blacklist. For Prospective Corporate Customer, it applies to the Company and its board of management.
  • Open for individual customers (Indonesian and non-Indonesian citizens) age at least 21 or married and with full legal capacity, and corporate customers.
  • Filled and signed the application form and provide supporting documents.
  • If the account is to be opened using a power of attorney, the authorized done of the power of attorney must provide the power of attorney.
  • Stamp duty is applied to certain documents.

Types of Customer

1. Individual

  • Identification card (KTP for Indonesian citizen, passport for non-Indonesian citizen).
  • NPWP for Indonesian citizen and Tax Identification Number (TIN) for non-Indonesian citizen.
  • Supporting declaration for ID card issued in another local government jurisdiction.
  • Residence permit (KIMS/KITAS/KITAP) for non-Indonesian citizen.
  • Indonesian Overseas Community Card (KMILN), as applicable.
  • Specific requirements for Indonesian citizens residing in Indonesia and operating/acting through a personal corporation:
    • Business Permit (SITU), Business Identification Number (NIB) for trading business, SIUK for construction business.
    • Declaration of Establishment Personal Corporation.
    • Certificate of Registration of Declaration of Establishment of Personal Corporation.
    • Additional Customer Account Requirement.
    • Approval of shareholder of personal corporation (if a manager is appointed by the shareholder).
    • Signature Specimen.
  • Other documents in accordance with APU PPT and other prevailing regulations.

2. Government Institutions/Agencies Established By Law

  • Written approval from the Treasury General Director or Head of the State Treasury Office (KPPN) at the Ministry of Finance.
  • Statement of Account Use from authorized officer.
  • Power of attorney/appointment letter/technical instruction from the customer.
  • Tax Identification Number (NPWP) or non-PKP taxpayer statement from the Tax Office (DJP).
  • Identity documents and signatures specimen of authorized representatives from the institution.

3. Limited Liability Company/Cooperative/Foundation

  • ID cards of directors/commissioners, donor and authorizer and authorized.
  • Articles of Incorporation and amendment deeds.
  • Deed containing the current management structure.
  • Articles of Association.
  • Business Registration Number (NIB).
  • Corporate Tax ID (NPWP).
  • Power of attorney from owner to representative.
  • Cover notes from the notary (for Limited Liability Company in process of establishing a non-legal entity).
  • Identity cards of all executives (for Limited Liability Company in process of establishing a non-legal entity).
  • Approval letters from all executives, statements, and declarations agreeing to meet the requirements, not issue cheque/promissory notes/rights to the bank to close the account if conditions set are not met within the specified time (for Limited Liability Company in the process of establishing a non-legal entity).

4. Legal Entity Group

  • Identification cards of all stakeholders.
  • Articles of incorporation and amendment deeds.
  • Articles of association.
  • Approval decree of Minister.
  • NPWP or Tax ID.
  • Written statement indemnifying the bank against liability and claims

5. Political Party

  • Notarial deed of establishment and amendment deeds.
  • Articles of Association and Bylaws.
  • Approval Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights.
  • List of party executives.
  • NPWP.
  • ID cards of all executives.
  • Other required documents.

6. Public Companies/Regional Companies

  • Resolutions appointing directors.
  • NIB.
  • NPWP.
  • ID cards.
  • Power of attorney.
  • Articles of Association in the notarial deed form, specifying the composition of the board of directors (for regional companies).

7. Foreign Corporations/Foreign Bodies/Foreign Institutions/Foreign Embassies

  • Application stating the purpose of opening an account.
  • Articles of Incorporation and/or Articles of Association along with amendments.
  • List of management executives.
  • Financial reports and description of business activities.
  • Statement of document validity in accordance with country laws.
  • Passports of all executives.
  • Document evidencing representation of foreign country.
  • Reference letters.
  • NPWP (if required under the applicable regulations).

8. Commanditairen Venoostchap (CV) / Firma (Fa) /Maatschap (Partnership)

  • Articles of incorporation and company deeds, including management structure.
  • Certificate of registration of the articles of incorporation and amendments.
  • NPWP.
  • Identification cards of all executives.
  • Registration Certificate (SKT) from Business Entity Administration System.


  • Customer deposits is not guaranteed by the LPS if:
    • total balance of all customer deposits (including interest) in one bank exceeds (equivalent) IDR 2 billion, both for individual and joint accounts.
    • the interest rate received by the customer exceeds the LPS guarantee rate.
  • Accounts with no transactions for 6 months will be considered dormant and will incur fees.
  • Cheque/bilyet giro may be dishonored due to insufficient funds, leading to warnings and potential inclusion on the national blacklist. To avoid this, please ensure fund availability.

Additional Information

  • Giro benefits will be credited at the end of each month to the respective account.
  • Giro benefits from one account may be credited to another designated account.
  • Joint account facilities ("Atau OR") are available for individual customers.
  • Instructions to the bank or withdrawals from a joint account ("Atau OR") can be made by any one of the accountholders.
  • Foreign exchange transactions using Rupiah funds exceeding the equivalent of USD 100,000 per month per customer must be accompanied by underlying documents.
  • Account closure can only be done at the Branch where the account was opened and is subjected to a fee.
  • The bank reserves the right to change the benefits, fees, risks, and terms & conditions of this product and/or service, which may be notified by Bank Mandiri in any form and by any means in accordance with the applicable regulations one month before the changes take effect.
  • Customers may receive offers for other products from third party partners of the Bank provided that the customer grants approval for the Bank to share customer data with such third party partners of the Bank.
  • Customers may receive offers for products and/or services of the Bank, as well as products and/or services from third parties collaborating with the Bank through personal communication channels, provided the customer gives consent to the Bank to receive such offers via personal communication channels.


Currency Day Daily Closing Balance Interest Rate Giro Services
IDR 1 999,999 0.00% -
2 10.000.001 0,25% 68,49
3 100.000.001 1,00% 2.739,73
4 500.000.001 1,25% 17.123,29
5 - 30 1,90% 1.353.424,66
USD 1 99,999 0.00% -
2 - 30 100,001 0.10% 7,95


  • This simulation serves only as an example calculation and is not intended to serve as any form of recommendation.
  • Interest Rates are subject to change at any time based on market conditions, and such changes will be communicated through Branch Office information channels or the Bank Mandiri website.
  • The total nominal amount for Giro Services is the accumulated daily interest, assuming 1 month = 30 days and 1 year = 365 days.
  • The total Giro Services amount is gross before deducting income tax of 20% of the nominal amount of Giro Services.


  • The bank reserves the right to reject an application for opening a Giro account if it does not meet the applicable requirements and regulations.
  • The bank may request up-to-date and in-depth information for the opening of a Giro account.
  • Customers are obligated to read, understand, and sign the Account Opening Application Form.
  • Customers are deemed to have received sufficient explanations and have a sufficient understanding of the Giro account product, in accordance with the information summary provided or the explanations given during the account opening process at the Branch Office.
  • This summary serves solely as informational material on products and services for prospective customers/current customers and is not intended as an official offer of any products and/or services.
  • Customers are required to carefully read this Product and Service Information Summary before agreeing to the opening of a Giro account, and have the right to inquire with bank staff or call 14000 for any matters or complaints related to the Product and Service Information Summary.