Kebijakan Privasi Nasabah Badan


Effective From 28 June 2024

Welcome to our Privacy Policy. We would like to provide clarity and assurance to you on how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By reading this privacy policy, you are expected to feel safe and rest assured that your privacy is our priority.

In this Privacy Policy, we declare that PT Bank Mandiri {Persero) Tbk (hereinafter referred to as "Bank Mandiri") as Controller of Personal Data, will strive to provide safety and protection for your comfort in making transactions.

We give our best to keep your Personal Data safe. With full responsibility, this Privacy Policy provides detailed explanations about the definition, type, legality, and objective of personal data processing. Furthermore, we explain the control and transfer of personal data, processing term, as well as procedure for change in privacy policy. All steps will be carried out by referring to Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection along with its amendment, known more as "Law of PDP," as well as the applicable and relevant laws and regulations, in order to make you feel safe and rest assured in providing your Personal Data to us.

To clarify, the type, basis of processing, and objective of processing of your Personal Data may be different based on the product, assistance, and/or service you used.


A. Definition of Personal Data

Personal Data is any data about a natural person which is identified or identifiable separately or combined with other information either directly or indirectly through an electronic or non-electronic system.

Personal Data being processed include Personal Data that have been and will be provided by you to Bank Mandiri.


B. Types of Personal Data

Bank Mandiri is aware that it is important for you to know the categories and types of your Personal Data, which can be processed. Types of personal data being processed by Bank Mandiri are the relevant data that are in accordance with the objective of each processing, including

  • Personal profile identity data, namely full name, National Identity Number of ID Card for Indonesian Citizen and Foreign Citizen, Tax Identification Number {TIN), data from immigration document, sex, citizenship, place and date of birth, alias/nickname, religion, voice recording, picture, photograph, signature (wet and/or electronic), and/or biometric data;
  • Correspondence data, namely address pursuant to ID Card, domicile address and status, e-mail address, telephone/phone and fax number;
  • Education and occupation data, namely education level, occupation, business field, position, division, year of employment/business, name of company/institution of workplace, address of workplace, employment status, as well as name, position, and telephone number of any co-worker;
  • Family data, namely marital status, name of spouse, number of children, and number of dependents;
  • Financial data, namely name of account owner, account number, source of income, total monthly/annual income, total monthly/annual expense, transaction data, credit/financing data, asset-related data, collateral-related data, and taxation data) as well as service data from other financial services you receive (namely insurance and custodian);
  • Digital activity data, namely geolocation, IP address, your activity in Bank Mandiri application and/or site, and interaction between Bank Mandiri application and other applications in your electronic device; and/or
  • Personal preference data, namely communication preference.
Personal Data being processed can be received by Bank Mandiri directly from you or any third party.

C. Legality of Personal Data Processing

Processing Basis
Personal Data Processing is carried out as long as Bank Mandiri has fulfilled one or some processing basis as follows:
  • Bank Mandiri explicitly and legally obtains consent from you;
  • Bank Mandiri performs its rights and obligations in accordance with the agreement made with you;
  • Bank Mandiri is required to perform any authority or fulfill any obligations in accordance with the laws and regulations/order from the competent authorities;
  • Bank Mandiri is required to fulfill your vital interests;
  • Bank Mandiri is required to perform any duties for public interests and/or public services;
  • Bank Mandiri is required to fulfill other legal interests, by observing the balance between Bank Mandiri's interests and your rights.
Objective of Processing of Your Personal Data
Processing of your Personal Data is carried out by Bank Mandiri for the following objectives:
  • Management of product, assistant, and/or service of Bank Mandiri (including scoring and profiling among others through Credit Information Management Agencies) with the objective of improvement of service for me and risk management of Bank Mandiri.
  • Provision of promotion or program of Bank Mandiri which may be in a form of cooperation with other parties for the product and/or service you own.
  • Marketing and/or offering of product, assistant, and/or service of Bank Mandiri and/or other companies in Mandiri Group and/or third parties cooperating with Bank Mandiri, for the product and/or service you have not owned yet.
  • Offering and/or assignment of collateral to other parties.
  • Fulfillment of laws and regulations and any orders from regulators, law enforcement agencies, as well as other competent authorities..

D. Control and Transfer of Personal Data

In processing your Personal Data, Bank Mandiri may involve any third parties as joint controller and/or processor of your Personal Data both within and/or outside Indonesia. In this case, Bank Mandiri will protect your personal data in accordance with the laws and regulations.

If Bank Mandiri transfers your Personal Data to a region outside Indonesia, Bank Mandiri will reasonably ensure that the country directed for the transfer has equal (or higher) level of Personal Data protection compared to the Personal Data protection in Indonesia.

In the event that the country directed for such transfer of Personal Data has no equal (or higher) level of protection, Bank Mandiri may still transfer your Personal Data as long as it fulfills the laws and regulations.


E. Your Rights as Personal Data Subject

Bank Mandiri is certainly aware that personal data is the most important asset for you. Therefore, we inform you the rights you own as Personal Data Subject:

  • Right to Information and Access

    You reserve the rights to obtain any information on the identity of the party requesting for your Personal Data, the intention thereof, as well as the access to the copies of your Personal Data. Bank Mandiri will provide the access to such information through an official platform of Bank Mandiri, such as Bank Mandiri branches or other channels, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and policies of Bank Mandiri.

    You understand that when you ask for a copy of your Personal Data information and/or the detail of processing of your Personal Data, you may be charged a fee by Bank Mandiri.

  • Right to Data Correction

    You reserve the right to complete, update, and/or correct any Personal Data that are incorrect or inaccurate.

  • Right to Obtain, Use and/or Send Personal Data to Other Parties

    You reserve the right to obtain, utilize or deliver your Personal Data kept by Bank Mandiri to any third parties, as long as the communication system used by Bank Mandiri and the concerned Third Party is safe.

  • Right to Terminate the Processing of, Delete and/or Remove Personal Data

    You reserve the right to terminate the processing of, delete and/or remove your personal data. You agree to give Bank Mandiri time to process the termination of processing of, deletion and/or removal of your personal data as Bank Mandiri requires it. In order to exercise the rights to terminate processing of, delete and/or remove personal data, you may contact Bank Mandiri through the communication means set out in point H of this Privacy Policy.

    For your understanding, such termination of processing of, deletion and/or removal of personal data may affect Bank Mandiri's capability to provide any product, assistant, and service to you as well as the contractual relationship that has been made between Bank Mandiri and you or between Bank Mandiri and other third parties, besides it may result in the cessation of service you have been received and/or any termination of one or some agreements made between you and Bank Mandiri and/or violation against one or some of your obligations in accordance with the agreement with Bank Mandiri.

    In respect of such matters, the termination of processing of, deletion and/or removal of personal data lead you to grant any rights to Bank Mandiri to block your saving account, and/or state that your debt and/or obligation to Bank Mandiri become due and chargeable. All lossesincurred by the performance of your rights to terminate the processing, deletion and/or removal of the personal data is your responsibility.

    Bank Mandiri's obligation to delete and remove your personal data is excluded for:

    • National security and defense interest;
    • Law enforcement process interest;
    • Public interest for state administration; or
    • Financial service, monetary, payment system, and financial system stability sector monitoring interest carried out for state administration..
  • Right to Withdraw Consent

    You reserve the right to withdraw the consent for Personal Data processing that you grant to Bank Mandiri, and you agree to give Bank Mandiri time to process the termination of your personal data processing as long as required by Bank Mandiri. In performing such right to withdraw consent, you may contact Bank Mandiri through communication means set out in point H of this Privacy Policy.

    You need to understand that such withdrawal of consent may affect Bank Mandiri's capability to provide any product, assistant, and service to you as well as the contractual relationship that has been made between Bank Mandiri and you or between Bank Mandiri and other third parties, besides it may result in the cessation of service you have been received and/or any termination of one or some agreements made between you and Bank Mandiri and/or violation against one or some of your obligations in accordance with the agreement with Bank Mandiri.

    In respect of such matters, the withdrawal of consent for personal data processing leads you to grant any rights to Bank Mandiri to block your saving account, and/or state that your debt and/or obligation to Bank Mandiri become due and chargeable. All losses incurred by the performance of your rights to withdraw the consent for the personal data processing is your responsibility.

  • Right to File Objection to Automatic Processing Result

    You reserve the right to file an objection to automatic processing result of your Personal Data which gives rise to any legal cause or significantly affect you, including the profiling and/or credit scoring.

  • Right to Delay or Limit Processing

    You reserve the right to delay or limit the processing of your Personal Data proportionally in accordance with the objectives of processing of your Personal Data. For the performance of this right, you may contact Bank Mandiri through communication means set out in point H of this Privacy Policy. You need to understand that such application for delay or limitation of processing may affect Bank Mandiri's capability to provide any product, assistant, and service to you as well as the contractual relationship that has been made between Bank Mandiri and you or between Bank Mandiri and other third parties, besides it may result in the cessation of service you have been received and/or any termination of one or some agreements made between you and Bank Mandiri and/or violation against one or some of your obligations in accordance with the agreement with Bank Mandiri.

    In respect of such matters, such delay or limitation of personal data processing leads you to grant any rights to Bank Mandiri to block your saving account, and/or state that your debt and/or obligation to Bank Mandiri become due and chargeable. All losses incurred by the performance of your rights to delay or limit the personal data processing is your responsibility.

  • Other rights in accordance with laws and regulationss
    You reserve the right to propose other rights related to the personal data processing as long as regulated in the applicable laws and regulations.

F. Term of Personal Data Processingg

Bank Mandiri will carry out Personal Data processing since Bank Mandiri obtains processing basis. Processing will be continuously made by Bank Mandiri as long as you still use the product, assistant, and/or service of Bank Mandiri or in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. Bank Mandiri may store your Personal Data after you stop using the product, assistant, and/or service of Bank Mandiri until the required term by referring to the laws and regulations.


G. Change in Privacy Policy

We are committed to keeping the security and privacy of your information. Therefore, this Privacy Policy can be updated by us in accordance with our practice improvement in Personal Data processing as well as in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. You may access the newest version of this Privacy Policy through our site

In the event of any change in this Privacy Policy, we will notify you through the official communication means of Bank Mandiri. Bank Mandiri is committed to ensure that you feel safe and remain updated to your privacy protection.

On top of that, if any part of this Privacy Policy cannot be used, such matter would not affect the validity and enforcement of other terms. Thank you for your trust in Bank Mandiri.


H. Contact Bank Mandiri

Bank Mandiri is ready to help and answer all questions you may have regarding this Privacy Policy.

Please contact our customer service via Mandiri Call 14000, WhatsApp number of Bank Mandiri 081-184-14000, send the question to our email, or you can visit the nearest Bank Mandiri branch office.