Payroll Individu
Payroll Individu

Mandiri Tabungan Payroll - Individu
Payday with Mandiri Tabungan Payroll, Everything Becomes Easier.
Payroll friends, quickly move your payday account to Mandiri Tabungan Payroll. Beside of making to your payroll payments easier, you can also enjoy various financial benefits

Kind of convenience for Payroll Customers
- Initial deposit for opening an account starts from IDR 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Rupiah) or adjusted to the first salary credit.
- Minimum balance Rp10.000.00 (Ten thousand Rupiah).
- Low administration fee.*
- Get special benefits for loan facilities*, ranging from credit cards, home ome ownership loans, mandiri personal loan, and motor vehicles loan). Completing your financial needs with investment and protection products..
*) Terms and conditions apply

Get More Benefits with Mandiri Tabungan Payroll.
- Get the loyalty reward with livin point for each transaction using mandiri Tabungan payroll, and exchange them directly for attractive prizes/shopping discounts.
- Get free protection insurance facility, more info

Terms & Conditions
Customer Type | Companies under cooperation with BMRI | Companies not under cooperation with BMRI |
Indonesian Citizen |
Foreign Citizen |
*) NPWP (Tax Id Card) is mandatory for all taxpayers in accordance with the applicable tax laws in Indonesia

Make Financial Transaction Comfortably
Opening account, cash deposit, and withdraw funds from Mandiri Tabungan Payroll in all widespread Bank Mandiri channels with the best service.
- Cash withdrawal at all Mandiri ATM and ATM networks with LINK, ATM Bersama, PRIMA, PLUS, VISA, and VISA Electron logos worldwide..
- Mandiri SMS, Livin' by Mandiri and Mandiri Call facilities furnish your your convenience in making transactions anywhere and anytime so that you are easier to use your time.
- Weekend Banking service is available on Saturday and Sunday in some branches, providing an opportunity for those of you who cannot transact at the branch on weekdays due to your busy schedule.
More Product Information:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Tabungan dalam mata uang Rupiah yang diperuntukkan bagi pegawai/karyawan free to choose yang digunakan sebagai rekening penampungan payroll yang di buka melalui Channel secara digital melalui Web Online Onboarding
Dokumen identitas untuk WNI berupa KTP & NPWP, sedangkan untuk WNA berupa Passpor, KIMS/KITAS/KITAP, dan NPWP/TIN
Untuk nasabah segment perusahaan dapat melakukan signing Perjanjian Kerjasama (PKS) antara mitra payroll di cabang Bank Mandiri terdekat, untuk nasabah dengan sistem penggajian free to choose mitra bank untuk menyalurkan gaji dapat melakukan pembukaan rekening payroll online di Web Online Onboarding
Setoran awal mulai dari Rp10.000 atau sesuai nominal 1x pengkreditan gaji
Kemudahan transaksi dengan Livin’ by Mandiri bagi pegawai, pembayaran gaji karyawan dengan Kopra Cash Management, gratis asuransi untuk tahun pertama, kemudahan pengajuan fasilitas kredit consumer, dan benefit loyalty Livin’poin.
Saldo Nasabah | Suku Bunga per tahun sesuai saldo | Nominal Suku Bunga Bulanan |
Rp 10.000.000,- | 0% | Rp 0,- |
- Bunga tabungan dikreditkan setiap akhir bulan ke rekening yang bersangkutan
- Dalam hal terdapat perubahan suku bunga, maka akan berpengaruh pada nominal bunga yang diterima nasabah
Informasi Risiko Terkait Produk |