Tabungan Investor
Tabungan Investor
Mandiri Tabungan Investor
Savings solution to make your investment transaction easier.
If you or your company needs a savings solution for capital market transaction settlement, Mandiri Tabungan Investor is the right answer. Account opening and account management is carried out by Securities Company by virtue of Power of attorney.

- No initial deposit for opening saving account
- Free monthly administration fee
- Customer will be provided with a monthly e-statement by e-mail.
- Customer is entitled to get Mandiri Livin'poin specially for individual customers.
Terms and conditions of Tabungan Investor account.
- Person:
- Indonesian Citizen : e-KTP with Id. Card. Number (NIK) registered with the Population Administration Information System/Passport.
- Foreign Citizen : Passport and KITAS/KIMS/KITAP
- Having SID and sub-securities account.
- Filling out the account opening form and other supporting documents.
- Submitting a copy of company’s administrator’s identity (e-KTP with NIK (Ide Card Number) registered with the Population Administration Information System/Passport and, KIMS (Temporary Stay Permit Card)/ KITAS (Limited Stay Permit of the company’s authorized officials), NPWP (Tax Id Number), TDP (Business Registration Number), SIUP (Business License) and company’s deed of establishment as well as its. Amendments.
- Having SID and sub-securities account.
- Filling out the account opening form and other supporting documents.
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