Mandiri Tabungan Rupiah
Mandiri Saving
Easiness of Savings for Life Convenience
Mandiri Tabungan Rupiah offers simplicity and convenience in transactions.
By registering yourself as a Mandiri Tabungan Rupiah customer, you can get the following attractive benefits..

Easy just from the start

- Registering Mandiri Tabungan Rupiah account, you only need to pay a minimum initial deposit of IDR 500,000.00
- After successfully opening an account, you will immediately get a mandiri debit card that can be used for transactions at ATM, shopping and making payments in all merchants with the VISA logo.
- By Autodebet service, you can do routine payments such as electricity, water and telephone. Every month, the Autodebet service will make the payment automatically by deducting the balance from your Mandiri Savings Rupiah account.
- You can automatically transfer funds to your family or colleagues using the Automatic Fund Transfer (AFT) service. Eventually, the AFT service will deduct the balance from your Mandiri Tabungan Rupiah account.

Convenient in Transaction
Opening a saving account, depositing cash and withdrawing savings funds at all Bank Mandiri branches supported with the best services.

Withdraw cash at all Mandiri ATM and ATM networks with the logos of LINK, ATM Bersama, PLUS, VISA and VISA Electron worldwide.

Mandiri SMS, Livin' by Mandiri and Mandiri Call facilities will complete your convenience in making transactions anywhere and anytime so that you can use your time more freely.
Get More Privileges with ivin’poin
with Livin'poin
- Every time you make a transaction using Mandiri Saving Account, you will earn reward points (Livin'poin).
- You can collect your Livin'poin as many as possible and redeem them for various gifts such as shopping vouchers, gadget, as well as discounts and free products from Bank Mandiri’s partner merchants.

Terms and Condition
Interested in opening a Mandiri Saving Account? All you need to do is just meet these terms and conditions below:
- Initial deposit at least Rp. 500,000.00
- ID card:
- Indonesian citizens (WNI): Applicable Resident Identity Card (KTP)
- Non-Indonesian citizens (WNA): Passport and KIMS/KITAS/KITAP
- Students: Student card and parental consent form
- Offers monthly administrations fee
- Tax Identification Number (NPWP)
Informasi produk lebih lanjut:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Saldo Nasabah | Suku Bunga per tahun sesuai saldo | Nominal Suku Bunga Bulanan |
Rp 10.000.000,- | 0% | Rp 0,- |
- Bunga tabungan dikreditkan setiap akhir bulan ke rekening yang bersangkutan
- Dalam hal terdapat perubahan suku bunga, maka akan berpengaruh pada nominal bunga yang diterima nasabah
Informasi Risiko Terkait Produk |