Tabungan Simpanan Pelajar
Tabungan Simpanan Pelajar
Instilling a culture of savings since early age.
Tabungan Simpanan Pelajar (SimPel) is intended specifically for Indonesian students issued nationally in the context of education and financial inclusion to encourage a culture savings since early age. Open SimPel savings now with easy and simple requirements and attractive features!

- Savings which is intended for PAUD (Eraly Childhood Education)/KINDERGARTEN/RA, SD/MI (Elementary School), SMP/MTs (Junior High Scool), SMA/MA (Senior High School) or equivalent students.
- Account opening can be made at all Bank Mandiri branches.
- Deposit, withdrawal, and account transfer transactions can be served at schools and at all bank channels
- Ease of transaction through Mandiri ATM and Branch.
Terms and Conditions
- Student Card/National Student Identification Number (NISN).
- Child Id. Card (KIA)/NIK in the Family Card.
- Family Card
- e-KTP (e-Id Card) of Parents / Guardians with NIK (Id No.) registered with the Population Administration Information System.
- Parental/Guardian Consent Letter
- Power of Attorney from Parent/Guardian (if opening an account through referral from the school)
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