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Lost Debit Card?

Lost Mandiri Debit Card

+ What should I do if my Mandiri Debit Card is lost?
You should first contact our call center or a branch office to have your card blocked

+ How do I block my lost card?
Via Livin by Mandiri
• On the home page select Settings
• Select Debit Card & Credit Card
• Select the Debit Card or Credit Card you want to block
• Select Temporary Block
• Double-check the information of the card you want to block then tap Block Card
• Wait for the notification that the card has been temporarily blocked successfully

Via call center:
•    Contact our call center at Bank Mandiri 14000
•    Contact our call center at 021-52997777 if you are overseas
•    The call center officer will ask you to verify your data
•    The call center officer will then block your card

Via branch office
•    Bring along a Loss Declaration from the Police, your ID and your account pass book.
•    The Bank Mandiri officer will block your old card
•    The Bank Mandiri officer will issue you a replacement debit card.

+ How do I obtain a replacement for a lost card?
•    Visit your nearest Bank Mandiri branch office
•    Bring along a Loss Declaration from the Police, your ID and your account pass book.
•    Complete the card replacement application form
•    The Bank Mandiri officer will block your old card
•    The Bank Mandiri officer will issue you with a replacement debit card.

+ What is the fee for replacing a lost debit card?
The fee for replacing a lost debit card is Rp 15,000 (fifteen thousand rupiah).

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Blocked Mandiri Debit Card

+ What should I do if my Mandiri Debit Card has been blocked?
You only need to request the unblocking of your Mandiri Debit Card at your branch office.

+ How do I get my Mandiri Debit Card unblocked?
•    Visit your nearest branch office and submit a request for the unblocking of your Mandiri Debit Card
•    Complete the Customer Request/Complaint form
•    Show valid proof of your identity

+ How long before I can use my Mandiri Debit Card again?
Your Bank Mandiri Debit Card can be used again immediately after it is unblocked by the branch office.

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Mandiri Debit Card Retained by ATM

+ What should I do if my Mandiri Debit Card is retained by an ATM?
You should first contact our call center or a branch office to have your card blocked.

+ How do I block my lost card?

Via Livin by Mandiri
• On the home page select Settings
• Select Debit Card & Credit Card
• Select the Debit Card or Credit Card you want to block
• Select Temporary Block
• Double-check the information of the card you want to block then tap Block Card
• Wait for the notification that the card has been temporarily blocked successfully

Via call center:
•    Contact our call center at Bank Mandiri 14000
•    Contact our call center at 021-52997777 if you are overseas
•    The call center officer will ask you to verify your data
•    The call center officer will then block your card

Via branch office
•    Bring along a Loss Declaration from the Police, your ID and your account pass book.
•    The Bank Mandiri officer will block your old card
•    The Bank Mandiri officer will issue you a replacement debit card.

+ What is the fee for replacing a lost debit card?

A replacement fee of Rp 20,000 will be charged for cards that have been retained by an ATM

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Forgotten ATM PIN

+ What should I do if I forget the ATM PIN for my Mandiri Debit Card?
You should contact our call center or your nearest branch office to check whether your Mandiri Debit Card has been blocked because you forgot your PIN.

+ How do I unblock my Mandiri Debit Card after it has been blocked because the incorrect PIN has been entered 3 times if I still remember my 6-digit Mandiri Debit PIN?
•    Visit your nearest Bank Mandiri branch office
•    Request that your Mandiri Debit Card be unblocked
•    Complete the Customer Request/Complaint form
•    Show valid proof of your identity

+ What if I no longer remember my 6-digit Mandiri Debit PIN?
•    Visit your nearest Bank Mandiri branch office
•    Request the issuance of a new Mandiri Debit Card PIN
•    Complete the Customer Request/Complaint form
•    Show valid proof of your identity

+ How long before I can use my Mandiri Debit Card again?
Your Bank Mandiri Debit Card can be used again immediately after it is unblocked by the branch office.

+ What is the fee for the issuance of a new Bank Mandiri Debit Card PIN?
The fee for the issuance of a new PIN is Rp 5,000.

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Lost Credit Card?

Lost Mandiri Credit Card

+ What should I do if I lose my Mandiri Credit Card?
•    If your credit card is lost, report it promptly to mandiri call 14000 (24 hours) to have your credit card immediately blocked. This is so as to avoid your being billed for transactions you did not make.
•    If you do not report the loss of your credit card to mandiri call 14000 (24 hours), then any transactions that occur until such time as the loss is reported will be your responsibility as the cardholder.
•    If you consider a charge on your credit-card statement to be incorrect, you should report it to mandiri call 14000 (24 hours) by no later than 30 days from the date of printing of your statement. If no complaint has been received from you after the expiry of 30 days, then your statement will be deemed to be correct.
•    If your credit card is lost overseas, you should contact the representative office of VISA, MasterCard® or JCB at the following emergency contact numbers:

MasterCard® (United States)
+1-800-MasterCard (+1-800-627-8372) atau
+1-636-722-7111 atau
Kunjungi website :

•    JCB

Kunjungi website :

+ What should I do if I am unable to contact 14000?

•    Via Livin by Mandiri: On the home page select Settings, Select Debit Card & Credit Card, Select the Debit Card or Credit Card you want to block, Select Temporary Block, Double-check the information of the card you want to block then tap Block Card, Wait for the notification that the card has been temporarily blocked successfully.
•    You should send an email request to have your credit card blocked and a new card issued to, attaching a Card-Blocking & Replacement Declaration, a copy of your ID, and a Loss Declaration from the Police (requests can only be processed during office hours).
•    You can also visit your nearest branch office, bringing with you a Card-Blocking & Replacement Declaration, a copy of your ID, and a Loss Declaration from the Police (requests can only be processed during office hours).

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Over Limit Following Temporary Card Limit Increase

+ What should I do if I am over limit following a temporary card limit increase

•    You should contact CALL 14000, where you will be advised by our Call Center Agent (CCA) on the over-limit use of your card following a temporary limit increase that has now expired. The CCA will:

  • Identify the duration of the temporary ICL with ICS
  • Ascertain whether you received the SMS Blast on the expiry of the temporary ICL
  • Provide you with an explanation on the prevailing temporary ICL regulations.

•    You can send an email setting out your complaint to, stating your full name, date of birth, and office / home address, and attaching photocopies of your ID card and Credit Card.
•    or you can visit your nearest branch, giving your full name, date of birth, and amount of temporary limit increase, and providing photocopies of your ID card and Credit Card.

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Change of Telephone Number

+ As a Mandiri Credit Card Customer, How do I change my registered telephone number ?

•    Through CALL 14000
     To change your telephone phone number, contact CALL 14000. Our Call Center Agent will verify your data.
     For a customer who has been a member for more than 3 months and/or whose last change of address took place more than 6 months ago, the request to change their telephone number will be processed directly by Correspondence, with an OA report being sent to Business Parameters.

+ By email

     Send an email request to change your telephone number to, stating your full name, date of birth, your previous telephone number (that is registered in the system) and your new telephone number, and attaching photocopies of your ID card and credit card.

+ Through a Bank Mandiri branch

     Visit your nearest Bank Mandiri branch and submit a written request to change your telephone number, stating your full name, date of birth, your previous telephone number (that is registered in the system) and your new telephone number, and attaching photocopies of your ID card and credit card.

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Failure of SMS Request for Conversion to Installment

+ What should you do if an SMS Request for Conversion to Installment fails??
•    Contact CALL 14000 and, assisted by Call Center Agent, submit a complaint on the failure of an SMS Request for Conversion to Installment. The Call Center Agent will advise you on the correct SMS format. If it transpires that your request was formatted correctly and satisfies the requirements for auto installment, then the Call Center Agent will submit a report to Correspondence through the Office Automation Application.
•    You can send an email on the failure of your SMS Request for Conversion to Installment to, attaching photocopies of your ID card, credit card, and the transaction sales draft.
•    or you can visit your nearest Mandiri branch, bringing along photocopies of your ID card, credit card, and transaction sales draft. If after checking by Customer Services it is found that the transaction has not been converted into installments, then the necessary action will be taken to convert it.

+ Auto Installment Terms & Conditions
•    You may apply for Auto Installment having regard to the minimum transaction requirements for your card (in accordance with applicable programs)
•    A request for a retail transaction to be converted into installments may be up to a maximum of 7 days prior to the date of printing of your statement.
•    A transaction may not be converted to installments in the case of programs that already offer an installment mechanism (Power Buy, Power Cash programs)
•    The interest rate and administration fee may change at any time in accordance with applicable programs
•    Early repayment will incur a fine of 5% of the outstanding debt principal, plus the remaining Auto Installment interest outstanding at the time of repayment.
•    If the card holder makes a partial or minimum payment, the Auto Installment transaction will be treated as a retail transaction and subject to the normal retail interest rate.

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Media Penyampaian Pengaduan Nasabah


Media Penyampaian Pengaduan Nasabah

Bank Mandiri menyediakan Mekanisme Penyampaian Pengaduan jika nasabah mengalami kendala ketika bertransaksi.




Edukasi Keamanan Transaksi


Edukasi Keamanan Transaksi

Bank Mandiri senantiasa memberikan edukas mengenaik keamanan transaksi dan jaga data rahasia
