Deposito Valas
Foreign Currency Deposito
Enjoy the benefit of choosing one of many currencies available and a flexible interest rate payment.
Among so many investment products offered, Mandiri Foreign Currency Time Deposit is worth to consider for your security and investment profit. Mandiri Time Deposit is a time deposit with many currency options, with lots of benefits.

Competitive Interest Rate

The competitiveness of the interest rate in Mandiri Foreign Currency Time Deposit makes your investment grow faster.

The interest rate will be calculated based on the actual number of days (1 year = 365 days)

High Flexibility
- You can choose your own term of investment, you can choose from 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 months.
- USD Time Deposit placement using USD100 banknotes (in good physical conditions) will be applied 1:1 (nominal value of deposit opened is equal to nominal value of USD banknotes deposited, with no other fee or commission).
- Free of commission fee for USD banknotes with withdrawal up to USD 20,000/customer/month (while the stock lasts at branch offices). For USD banknotes withdrawal more than USD 20,000/customer/month will be charged with 0.5% commission fee from withdrawal value.
- At the end of the deposit term, you can choose to reinvest the interest as addition to the deposit principal or you can transfer it to your preferred account.
- The interest of the time deposit can be received in advance, so you don't have to pay fully as what you originally placed in the Mandiri Foreign Currency Deposit.
- Mandiri Foreign Currency Time Deposit can be created in the name of two individuals (joint account).
Available in USD, JPY, EUR, CHF, SGD, GBP, AUD, HKD.
You can Automatically Roll Over your Deposit (ARO) at the end of your deposit term without changing the Certificate of Deposit, whether in accordance to nominal (principal) deposit or to the nominal plus the deposits interest rate.
Mandiri Foreign Currency Time Deposit can also be opened and withdrawn from Mandiri Online.
Information service and cancellation of Automatic Roll Over Deposit/ARO can be done through Mandiri Online (available only for USD deposit opened through Mandiri Online).

Pilihan mata uang

Automatic Roll Over

Mandiri Online

Kredit Agunan Deposito (Deposit Collateral Credit)
You can get Kredit Agunan Deposito (Deposit Collateral Credit) facility using your Deposit as collateral. Whatever you need is, it will be provided, fast and easy, and you will continue to earn interest form your deposit.
- Previously having either Mandiri saving account or Mandiri current account
- Minimum Deposit
Type of currency | Minimum |
USD | USD 1.000 |
SGD | SGD 1.000 |
JPY | JPY 150.000 |
EUR | EUR 1.000 |
CHF | CHF 2.000 |
GBP | GBP 1.000 |
AUD | AUD 2.000 |
HKD 10.000 |
CNY | CNY 7.000 |
Informasi produk lebih lanjut:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Nominal | Tenor | Suku Bunga per Tahun | Nominal Suku Bunga Bulanan (sebelum dipotong pajak)* | Nominal Suku Bunga Bulanan (setelah dipotong pajak)** |
USD10.000 | 1 bulan | 0,75% | USD 6,16 | USD 4,93 |
*)Asumsi jumlah hari adalah 30 hari
**) Besar Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) adalah 20%
- Bunga deposito direkditkan pada saat jatuh tempo
- Dalam hal terdapat perubahan suku bunga, maka akan berpengaruh pada nominal bunga yang diterima nasabah
Informasi Risiko Terkait Produk |