ESG - Financing

Other Products - Finance

Green Products and Services

As one of the first movers in sustainable finance in Indonesia, Bank Mandiri continues to develop and promote sustainable finance practices, including efforts to help achieve a low-carbon economy. 

Bank Mandiri is committed to sustainable finance through sustainable financial solutions to clients in carbon-intensive sectors, encouraging decarbonization and embracing environmentally responsible operations with reduced carbon footprints, with Sustainability-Linked Loans, Transition Financing, and Green Loans.

Sustainability-linked Loan

Sustainability-Linked Loan aim to facilitate and support environmentally and socially sustainable economic activity and growth. Sustainability-Linked Loan is defined as loan instrument that incentivizes the borrower's achievement of ambitious, predetermined sustainability performance objectives.

Sustainability-Linked Loans are designed to promote environmentally and socially sustainable economic activity and growth. With Sustainability-Linked loans, our clients are encouraged and incentivized to strive ambitious, predefined sustainability goals.

Corporate-In-Transition Financing

Corporate in transition financing provides tailored financial support to entities undergoing significant transformations to align their business and/or operations with pathways consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement or ENDC targets. Eligible entities must demonstrate a clear transition strategy with measurable targets and evidence of implementation. By facilitating businesses in their transition towards sustainable models, this financing mechanism contributes to wider climate action endeavors.

Green, Social, and Sustainability Loan

Green/Social/Sustainability Loan are loan specifically designed to financing projects and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment (green loan), social aspects (social loan), or both (sustainability loan). This financing adheres to the Green Loan Principles, Social Loan Principles by the Loan Market Association (LMA), and POJK 51/2017.

Also in retail segment regarding rapid progress of sustainable energy and transportation, electric vehicles (EVs) and solar panels have emerged as dynamic and transformative technologies. Bank Mandiri actively supports the renewable energy ecosystem through electric vehicles (EVs) and solar energy by various product promotions, particularly targeting the retail segment.

Retail Financing

Retail segment regarding rapid progress of sustainable energy and transportation, electric vehicles (EVs) and solar panels have emerged as dynamic and transformative technologies. Bank Mandiri actively supports the renewable energy ecosystem through electric vehicles (EVs) and solar energy by various product promotions, particularly targeting the retail segment.