Green Products and Services

Green Bond
Bank Mandiri has conducted a Domestic Green Bond Continuous Public Offering (PUB) amounting to IDR 10 trillion, valid until 2025. In May 2023, Bank Mandiri has completed the first phase of the PUB with a value of IDR 5 trillion, which was oversubscribed by 3.7 times. In disbursing financing from the proceeds of green bonds, Bank Mandiri follows the 11 criteria for Environmentally Friendly Business Activities (KUBL) outlined in POJK 60/2017. These criteria such as Renewable Energy, Clean Transportation, Environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use, and green buildings

ESG Repo
In 2022, Bank Mandiri launched the first ESG Repurchase Agreement (Repo) in Indonesia, acting as one of the pioneering institutions in Southeast Asia. The US$500 million ESG Repo serves the purpose of financing or refinancing environmental and social projects, aligning seamlessly with Bank Mandiri Sustainability Bond Framework. Bank Mandiri with the ESG Repo represents one of the strategic initiatives aimed at fortifying the funding structure and providing continuous support for the implementation of sustainable finance.

Sustainability Bond
In April 2021, Bank Mandiri successfully secured USD 300 Million in funding through its inaugural Sustainability Bond issuance. The bond, set to mature in 5 years with a coupon rate of 2.0%. Bond-ratings agencies Moody’s investor services and Fitch Rating assigned investment-grade rating to the bond, reflecting high investor confidence in the securities. During the process of building the bond book, investor interest exceeded expectations, with orders amounting to over $2.5 Billion and the oversubscription rate surpassed 8.3 times the intended bond size. Notably, Bank Mandiri's Sustainability Bond was recognized as the best Indonesia Sustainability Bond for financial institutions by the asset. The proceeds from this bond issuance are designated for financing or refinancing eligible sustainability projects in accordance with specific criteria outlined in the bank's Sustainability Bond Framework. In April 2021, Bank Mandiri successfully secured USD 300 Million in funding through its inaugural Sustainability Bond issuance. The bond, set to mature in 5